
Personal Narrative: The Joy Of Hunting

Decent Essays

My father’s gentle hand stirred me back into consciousness as I realized that it was time. The wind whistling outside could be heard from the inside of our hunting shack as an ominous foreboding of our unforgiving location. Dragging myself out of bed, my warm sheets begged me to return. I piled layer upon layer in anticipation of my harsh environment. Stepping out of the South Dakota ranch, the fierce November wind bit my face and cut through my outer clothing. With my rifle slung over my shoulder, my father and I treaded carefully out to our stand. After ascending the ladder, we took in our surroundings from the open-topped box stand. As the Sun began to peek over the horizon, silhouettes of deer appeared exponentially. One..two..ten..twenty!? The golden light cascaded over the never-ending, undulating plains. As my father and I admired the beautiful display of nature before us, I spotted an interesting sight. Four hundred yards away, a dominant beast trotted proudly through the sorghum. Clearly a seasoned buck, his muscular stature and towering antlers were sufficient in warding off rival deer. Marveling at the trophy from a distance, I waited for my opportunity. After …show more content…

However, my father stopped and asked me to slow down and appreciate the moment. As I contemplated my actions, I was overwhelmed by a torrent of contrasting emotions. I felt relieved that I had made the shot, but a tinge of sadness was also present as I realized the beautiful animal would no longer roam proudly and freely. My breath condensing before my eyes refracted the golden sunlight as I savored the powerful feeling. After waiting in the stand for about ten minutes, my father and I approached the fallen deer. Observing the fallen animal, I realized that only eight antlers were present. Nonetheless, my father and I reveled in its power and size as we celebrated our successful

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