
Personal Narrative: The LGBT Community

Decent Essays

What keeps me up at night is endless because the world has a lot it needs to change, however, the one topic that never leaves my mind is the LGBT+ community. My life is centered around the community because I am a member of it, and no matter what I say about my sexual orientation and gender identity and romantic orientation not being the main focus of me as a person, it does make up a lot of what I am. Outside of just me, I have countless friends that do not identify as the regular heterosexual cisgender person. To me, it does matter if transgender people get the right to enter whichever restroom matches their gender identity. It is important to me that the community gets the right to equal employment, and protection from discrimination in the workplace. It is important that the entire community get its rights, no matter how long it takes. …show more content…

People are afraid to let go of what they know, and they are afraid to make room for the new. U.S. citizens saw this evolving world in the summer of 2015 when same-sex marriages were proved to be constitutional. I remember receiving countless texts, messages, and tweets from my friends celebrating that one day, they could get married to the person they loved. However, the battle was not over. Later that year, the lifetime ban from gay men (and bisexuals practicing anal sex) was lifted and a new timeframe was put in place. Homosexual blood donors would have to abstain from sex for a full year before being able to donate blood. The wins, while worth celebrating, cloud the losses. There are too many names of the youth of my generation to list in this essay. I dedicated too many nights to the youth that died that

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