
Personal Narrative: The Living Room

Decent Essays

The living room phone continued to ring. I rarely answered calls to my house, and attempted to ignore the obnoxious sound. The phone’s commotion lingered, “Ring…Ring…Ring.” I grudgingly stood up from the couch and walked to answer the phone. “Johnson residence, this is Josiah.” I stated. A mournful voice whispered, “Josiah…This is Mrs. Wright.” She paused for an awkward moment. “Caden isn’t with us anymore.” My heart froze. I responded in an instant, “What do you mean? What’s going on?” Silence overtook the conversation for a minute before the now sobbing mother answered, “Caden shot himself last night. He isn’t with us anymore.” Mrs. Wright continued the conversation, but her words blurred into unrecognizable sounds. My thoughts had preoccupied

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