
Personal Narrative: The Paper Route That Changed My Life

Satisfactory Essays

When I was younger I had a paper route. My brother and I shared one. It wasn’t to big. We earned about $20 each every month. We could usually do it in about 20 minutes. We had to do it year round. Rain or shine. We usually did it when we got home from school on Tuesdays. It was pretty easy. It was a snowy and cold day. My brother didn’t want to do it, so I got angry and punched him. He got mad and hit me back before my mom came in to break it up. We both were sent to our rooms and grounded. When my dad got home he gave me a lecture for about 20 minutes. It was very long and boring. At about 6:00 when my mom yelled “Dinner.” We all ran to the dinner table. She told me and my brother that we can’t eat until we did the paper route. I complained,

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