
Personal Narrative: The Second Degree Hand

Decent Essays

I call it “The second degree hand”
It was around 1:30ish in the morning, in the middle of January. In spite of the sultry weather, out on the backyard patio, having a late night snack, sitting around on wild country outdoor chairs, for almost an hour. We would discuss how our day had gone, talked about matters which concerned us, and made future family plans. Conversation was spontaneous and unpredictable, although negative topics were discouraged since they might impair our appetites. Discussion between bites are fun, and often interspersed with fits of giggling with my sister, Vivian, about my father’s constant chagrin. On the left side of the backyard, off in the bushes, surrendered by flowers, was a charcoal barbeque. Next to it, my brother was bending down, that his elbows could touch his knees, preparing the charcoal in the chimney starter for my Dad’s glossy silver hookah. I always had that feeling that he was my father’s favorite kid. Obviously because, he’s more like Dad than any of us, and they both extremely practical, like father, like son. …show more content…

A gentle breeze touched the warmth of my cheeks, sparks were flying, as the fire fanned by the breeze, and was rapidly spreading. A temporary sensation entered my mind, as if a breeze ruffled through my thoughts. I remember visiting my grandparents over the summer, strolling along the majestically beautiful golden wheat field of the twelve-mile old dirt road leading to my grandparents’ house. My grandparent’s property was quite interesting. The house was a limestone structure with a front yard. The grape tree grew around the foundation, anchoring itself onto the pergola, it sort of wild on the top of the

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