
Personal Narrative : The Titanic

Decent Essays

The sun shone brightly, casting shadows against the passengers boarding the magnificent creation. I stare up at the gigantic beast, its body a site to behold. I can’t wait to walk her decks. Suddenly there 's a tug at my arm. Kitty, our dog kept pulling forward leaving my wife and children behind, excited to board the ship. My manservant, Mr. Robbins, walks beside me carrying our luggage. As my family splits once we board, Mr. Robbins and I continue to first class. Once arriving at our rooms, C62, 63 and 64, I take a slow, methodical breath, and look to the ceiling contemplating this ride of a lifetime on the Titanic.

Earlier this month, my family and I had traveled to many splendid places from Egypt to Paris. My second wife, eager to …show more content…

“Hello, Sir. Your Family is wondering if you would join them with Mr. Andrew, the builder,” Victor informs. My attention, sadly drug from the room as my eyes fix to his.

“I’ll promptly show up, but first some privacy so I may fix my suit. I shouldn 't have fell asleep with it on.” His departure motioned with a slight nob. I fix myself, and left right after, my eyes on the way out caught how even with the lights of, a light shone from the outside light of the windows.

Walking fast quickly leading myself to my family. There they sit in the lou­­nge, with the designer of this marvelous beast. Our salutations were done with a strong handshake. “Hello, I’m Thomas Andrews, designer of the RMS Titanic, nice to meet you-” I interrupt with my name, “Colonel John Astor.” “-Well then nice to meet you Colonel Astor,” then the handshake was then soon ended. “What you did with this ship, is amazing. I 'm honored just to be in the same room, with such a great mind,” My enthusiasm shone like the sun, but as a respectful businessman I hid it under a small grin. “Why, thank you,” his voice large with respect. “I’d love it if you joined us for dinner,” my offered had an immediate response, his nod made almost exactly after I finished my offer.

My family and I split from the designer, to only meet again for dinner that night.

The next morning, I awoke with the sounds of the children banging on the door. I shuffle over there, my eyes barely open, thinking to myself, ’Can I ever get an

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