Today, Sunday, Sept. 6th, 2015, Walking in the Spiritual light that glows from within and without. We never miss the light until we don't have it. Last week my drive was refinished and we were told that we could not use it for three days, so we had to detour through the field to get behind our house to park. It was late when we returned home the first evening and the light that always lights up our backyard had blown a GFI and was out. It was just a few feet to the GFI, but in the dark it seemed like two miles away. We were used to the light from a distance, yet when it wasn't there the darkness made a powerful change. The next morning we went out to get into a vehicle parked in the backyard and we were not able to do so. While rolling up the
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
I see language as a huge blessing. When utilized properly, it can encourage, teach, and help others. It can also be used to express ourselves to our core. To be able to reflect what is within our hearts, though, we must dive deep into emotions and language. Paired, they allow us to understand one another so that we can communicate and help each other through life, something that is definitely not meant to be done alone—which exactly explains why God gave us all community. With life being like an ocean, I truly believe that we cannot survive without God, first of all, and also without people. Because they are so important to me, I place emphasis on understanding how to properly use the English language so that I may glorify God, showing my thanks to Him with my every sentence whether it is verbal or written or thought. This portfolio, thus, is a reflection of my identity and journey with God—all constructed with language and emotions to portray my love for communicating with Him and His people. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable inyour sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14After being rescued by Him, I gained sight. I no longer saw the things around me and within me with a blurry lens; I took on the clearest lens, as though my eyes became cameras, to see things with truth. With this new vision and mindset, I began to see my own mistakes as well as those around me. Because of this, I understood what needed revision and what
As I finished reading the first three chapters of Courageous Faith, I found myself to be most identified with Abraham. The beginning of new things is hard and challenging, and it takes great faith and courage for a person to make a decision that can change his whole life. This was what happened with Abram. God told him to leave behind his whole world to move to Canaan. He had to face new and unfamiliar people and environment, but he believed in God and follow His will. Throughout my life, I have met with changes throughout the years. From elementary to high school, I always go to a school far away from the previous with new environment, and all the people there already know each other and are friends. Then I study abroad in the States, this
On a cold summer night the sun was shining brightly in the sky. The sounds of bears were given to my ears in the breeze as it came through the forest trees. Wolfs could be seen in the tree line hunting their pray. Feeling the rugged rocks that you tread on. Fresh air smells like pine scents with a glowing spray of a river. There was a spiritual being present that made my heart quicken and my body became still. HE came to show the way for HE is the truth, the way, and the life for through HIM we well shall see the face of GOD. This started my first step into what is a fantastic journey is exciting yet wondering what is gone to happen. Each step brings peace no matter what the challenge is because HE leads me. Some search to find a round their
If I were to start my own Faith Community Practice I would first plan to sign up for EMU's online Faith Community Nursing Course in order to fully understand what a FCN is and how best to go about establishing my own practice. With that first challenge out of the way once completing the course, I would go about facing my other challenges. One challenge that I would most likely face is where to set up my practice. I would most likely want to start my practice in service to my home church at Lindale Mennonite church. I don't believe we have a FCN practice there and I think it would an amazing opportunity to serve my home church in that manner if they allow. My challenge within that is where to actually set up my practice whether that be coordinating
If I were to start my own Faith Community Practice I would first plan to sign up for EMU's online Faith Community Nursing Course in order to fully understand what an FCN is and how best to go about establishing my own practice. After completing the course, spend however much time I needed to figure out how exactly I want to run my practice. After figuring out a baseline plan, I would go about facing my other challenges. One challenge that I would most likely face is where to set up my practice. I would most likely want to start my practice in service to my home church at Lindale Mennonite Church. I don't believe we have an FCN practice there and I think it would an amazing opportunity to serve my home church in that manner if they allow. My
Writing this Professional Project required some deep soul searching while deepening my spirituality to train the veterans of Tabernacle African Methodist Episcopal Church to become Disciples of Christ. Completing the nine training sessions will be beneficial for the congregation. A selection of a Steering Committee from the various boards within the church will assist me with the effectiveness of the Professional Project. Teaching the veterans about The Fruit of the Spirit will strengthen my spiritual walk with Christ as well. Each branch of the military has military core values and a comparison will be made with each Fruit of the Spirit during the training process. Presentations and workshops on The Fruit of the Spirit will undergird
If I were to start my own Faith Community Practice I would first plan to sign up for EMU's online Faith Community Nursing Course in order to fully understand what an FCN is and how best to go about establishing my own practice. After completing the course, I would spend however much time I needed to figure out how exactly I want to run my practice. After figuring out a baseline plan, I would go about facing my other challenges. One challenge that I would most likely face is where to set up my practice. I would most likely want to start my practice in service to my home church at Lindale Mennonite Church. I don't believe we have an FCN practice there and I think it would be an amazing opportunity to serve my home church in that manner if they
I think that is an excellent thought, Lindsey. When I first read this that is what I thought as well. Whenever Ada begins to let Susan love her, and whenever Susan starts to show more affection Ada lashes out. I think that Ada lashes out because she feels like she is not deserving of love, and she is not deserving of nice things. This just tears me up inside when a person does not feel like they are worth being loved. The amount of damage that Ada has suffered is almost irreversible now and I think Susan is starting to realize that this will not be an easy fix. I am honestly surprised at how normal Jamie is because even though he was not the one who was abused, he witnessed the abuse. I am glad that he has not lost his trust in people. This
My Spiritual journey has the themes of tragedy and God’s reaffirming presences in my life. I help individuals in my ministry and context to remember, reassure, and/or inform that God is still with them either through spoken word, presences or other art forms during heartbreak.
Speaking from my personal experiences I can definitely say the spirit world is real. Such as when i was younger I would always feel strange vibes from certain things such as anything dealing with death. Like I went to a funeral home once and got a vibe that something was watching me. As i continued to walk i felt it getting stronger and stronger as i went to view the body. I wasn’t the only one to feel this feeling as my mother did as well. Many people each and every day encounter something like this. A haunted house, grave,and even a random location like a bridge. Some locations are said to hold powerful energy that anyone feels. Feelings that there could be something lurking. Sometimes when an energy is so high in an
The Unified Soul Theory is a movement which is important to me because dividing ourselves based upon labels makes us more like a file cabinet than a species. People seem to be trained to completely ignore someone if there are other people around who look more familiar. Like the closest you get to a mirror image, the better you can get along with someone and the more comfortable you should feel around them. I don’t understand why we are doing this instead of remembering that we are all human.
All throughout my adolescence development there were many moments that had shaped me to become the person that I am to this day. From my humble beginnings in Football to my personal service projects outside of school, life has taught me many lessons. In which case I will illustrate some as I reminisce my highschool career.
Light the Way means to lead and help other people by showing he/she how to overcome obstacles about the uncertainty.
My journey with God started in February of 1993, when I went to a ladies’ conference in Columbus, Texas. It was while the speaker was explaining that she knew there were some of us out in the audience, who felt guilty about something they had done in their past, and they did not feel that God could forgive them for it. But then she quoted from God’s word; “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, not principalities, no things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:38-39 NASB) The speaker continued on to say that all we need to do is