
Personal Narrative: What I Learned In English 101

Decent Essays

English 101 was one of my first college courses to take along with college algebra. Throughout the time I have been in this class it has really opened my eyes to what I need to be expecting next semester after I graduate high school and begin OTC as a full-time student. That is if I can manage to pull it all together and pass this class with a C, allowing me to be able to finish my English credits. College is the real deal and cannot be blown off like some high school classes I am taking now as well. I have learned that I am probably the ultimate procrastinator taking into account that I am currently writing this paper at two-thirty in the morning of the day that it is due along with editing all my papers at this time of day. I have also learned that writing is definitely not my thing and never really has been.
I am not great at taking the time out of my day to sit down and think about what I want to …show more content…

Even though I am shy, it is easier to talk about myself than doing research on something; though what I was writing about was difficult to talk about for me. It was an easy paper to write because it was from memory; I experience first hand. Like the prompt for Project One said, “the old adages states that you should write what you know.” The old adages is right, Project One was not effortless, but because I was writing what I know it did make the writing go by easier. I am also most proud of it because I surprised myself in being able to write about that time of my life considering I try my best to forget about it most days. This in unlike Project Four, which has given me the most trouble to write. Researching was hard and it was a lot of information to try and put together. This was also kind of my first real extensive paper that I have had to write. I literally spent hours at my computer just looking at a blank document and internally crying because I was just so

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