Language Arts 9 Honors What Makes Me Original
The goals that I plan to accomplish this year are to get on the lacrosse team and play, how I plan to accomplish this goal is by getting into shape for the season and when the time comes I will try out and hopefully get on the team. I will also try my best to maintain good grades in all of my classes. I will do this by completing all of my homework on time, studying for tests, doing what I am told, and completing makeup homework if needed. Academic attributes that I have are that I am good at math, writing, and reading. Using these I can excel and do well in my classes. What makes me successful due to my personal traits are I am good at art, drawing, photography, and lacrosse. I
In my first “Who I am as a Writer” paper I stated how one of the areas that I needed to improve was writing. I went into more depth talking about how my writing is not descriptive enough and how I cannot grab the reader's attention. Even though I still need to continue making improvements, I have gotten better in both of these aspects. Compared to my papers in high school my introduction paragraphs have improved.
My name is Yris Guzman and I’m a senior at Perry High School. I’ve always struggled writing essays. The things I struggle the most with is grammar, spelling, coming up with a thesis, and organizing my thoughts onto paper. I hope by the end of this semester I become a better writer. We all have strengths and weaknesses.
I define myself as a weak writer in certain areas, but have great ideas that I can use to express in my writing. The areas that I struggle with is my grammar, spelling, lackluster work usage, and the introduction paragraph. I have great ideas that I can write it is just that I am not very lucid with grammar structure. During my school years in Nevada, I fell behind in my English skills, because they rarely taught me these skills that I have learn at Creekview. So this why I have fallen behind in English. The adjectives that I would describe my writing style is reprehensible, and lackluster. My writing is reprehensible, because of the lack of strength, and complex sentences. Also, it becomes lackluster, because of my dull choice of word usage.
I started to write when I was 10 years old. It was under the recommendation of my therapist who believed that it would help me release negative emotions, and it did. Since then I have loved to write stories, journals, poems, anything that could set my imagination free. However as a writer I’ve always felt unsuccessful I have always felt that the pieces I write are never completed. Even more that as a writer I was not good enough and I shouldn’t show my writings to anyone that I shouldn't even bother to continue as a writer. These reason both motivate me and make me not want to continue but I choose to let it motivate me because I
I don’t really like writing because whenever my teacher tells me to write about something I start to get confused on what to say then I start to get mad at myself and start to cry.The best thing I have ever written is when I had to wrote about legos, it was a nine pages and alot idioms and more.
My identity product is the card that was put in my baby’s bassinet when she was born. It is pink, it has hearts and stickers my daughter’s and I demographics.
It's not everyday you stumble across an interesting profile of someone you barely know. Though when you do, you start to take into account all the amazing experiences you can have together.
Identity is what I believe the thing that makes up all human beings. Everybody has an identity, some just aren't as brisk to comprehend what it is or what it means. Identity is generally what someone's traits make up and in my case, I believe I am benevolent, venturesome, and optimistic. Some of the qualities I consider myself to have are not what I would have considered myself to be last year. I believe life lessons that someone undergoes can change their identity and the way they come off drastically.
Producing my own original work will develop in time. Currently I have notice I have been practicing paraphrasing, this has been one of my struggles. For, example when I turned the first assignment in and it was only 2%, I was jumping up for joy. I usually have more work done by the author and have to keep rewriting until I have a low percentage. This demonstrated that I can paraphrase, but it does take time along with practice. According to Jackson (2014) paraphrasing is rearranging an author’s work and still given credit to author. However I have chosen to concentrate on developing my own skills of paraphrasing. Another alternative to developing my own original research is to develop my tone and voice. This area is underdeveloped the
Some people have things that make them special or different from others, which their lives would be incomplete without it. The things that make me myself are the facts that I am a multiple sport athlete, intelligent, and also the fact that I love anything medical. These things make me who I am for in my life, this is all I do. All my time is filled with sporting events, whether it is my own games or other sporting teams from my school. My job even consists of sports; I am a volleyball official. Whether I am volunteering or taking classes in high school, I am constantly trying to learn about anything medical.
What makes me different is such an inherent part of me, it does not automatically jump to mind. But when I think about what motivates me to welcome those different than myself, I have my answer. My faith is what drives me to understand and care for those unloved or underserved. It is not something I believe can or should be forced. Rather, it leads me to believe that human respect is granted, not because of identity or orientation, but because of my fundamental belief that all people have the unequivocal right to be treated with dignity and respect. My journey to maintain my faith has not been simple. I am often and unapologetically judged and challenged by both my peers and my superiors. Nonetheless, I have been taught that confrontation is
A majority of people I have spoken to despise running; the activity inducing a great deal of pain and wasting time are common reasons I hear. For me however, running has always been a part of my identity and it shaped me as the person I am today. Whether it comes to intense races or exciting games of tag, I feel a part of me glistens with joy whenever I put on my running shoes and get my feet moving. My interest from running goes all the way back from elementary school.
Since being adopted, I have continued to try to find more about who I am and what I am supposed to do. Although I have been asked many times when I found out and how it makes me feel, it is still a taboo topic to talk about because of the little information I know. I was admitted to the orphanage after being found at the bottom of a staircase in the middle of a village square. After ten months of being admitted, I was adopted, but I almost did not make it because of a high fever and infection. As a baby, I did not want to hold any medicine that was given to me and because of this, a close family friend had to fly in some Western medicine so that I could have a chance at life. Since then it has been a challenge to find my place in this world
“Sam, you have cancer” Dr. Kimmel told me with a tone that absorbed all of the energy in me like a black hole. I could feel all the happiness I once had slowly drain from me mentally, and I knew the physical part of me soon would start to fade. My family stood there in complete shock, soon after, my wife fell to her knees and filled the room with tears. My mind was racing, I lost all sense of who I was because I felt as if it didn't matter since I was going to die anyways. I didn't just have cancer, I had stage 4 brain cancer and nothing I could do, or anyone, would fix this. I knew it was bad when the MRI scans showed a massive tumor within my center of my head. My Stereotactic brain biopsy showed the cells were abnormal
I just need to look around me to guess that most people, if not all of them, suffer through some sort of identity crisis, whether it is psychological, social, sexual, or another. But that knowledge doesn’t really help me answer that deceptively simple question: “How would you describe yourself?” Probably the most honest answer I have for you today is some long version of “I don’t know.” I am trying to find some answers to that question, though, and that’s something pretty new for me.