One time, when I was in fifth grade, I was looking for some money because I really wanted this snack. My dad only had one dollar left in his wallet, and he handed it to me. “I make more money, keep it,” he said. “Dad, I don't need it, but thanks,” I replied, refusing to take the dollar. As I was walking out of the living room, he snuck it in my backpack. That day, I was buying lunch, and saw the dollar in my front pocket. I decided to buy my favorite snack with it, but I felt bad. I knew I had to repay him with the money. That day, I burst through my front door crying, thinking about how I didn't really need the dollar, but it was nice of my dad to give it to me anyway. When my mom came home, she told me about how my dad got a new job, and
“I hate your Arabic!” I snarled in my broken English. My mother stared at me in confusion while I seethed about my heritage internally. For whatever reason, this toxic state of mind stuck with me through my elementary-school years. I promised myself that I would strive to become like everyone else and slowly began to erase my Lebanese culture from my mannerisms.
In 4th grade, I made my first $5.00 walking dogs in the neighborhood. I still have those $5.00 in a frame on a mantel.
One hundred dollars. As I grasped the flimsy 6” x 2” white check perforated with a pay stub, happiness pervaded my body. Glistening on the “pay to the order of” line, for the first time, was my name. The fruits of all my labor translated into a single piece of paper, all that was left to do was to figure out how to spend it.
One time during halloween my dad decide to teach me about the government. He did that by taking some of my candy for “taxes.” Now what that did was teach me about the government while taking some of my candy. Sidenote-he is a bad man for that and I show no mercy for him with candy because of that.
Ezra Anciado The Color Purple Essay Shug's Special View of God In this part of The Color Purple, the character Shug shares her very personal ideas about the nature of God. Her view is quite different from traditional Christian beliefs. According to Shug, God is not a man or woman, but more of an "It" that is present within everything in the universe.
"Mom, can you take me to go buy a Nerf gun please." I requested. She replied to me by saying to raise the money. So my family and I had a garage sale on the weekend. My brother and I sold lemonade, toys, and games. My brother and I split the money with my minute brother and got 50% of the money. I earned a little money, but not enough to purchase the Hyperfire Nerf gun.
I will never forget that day, the day I casually walked downstairs to find my parents sitting face to face at the kitchen table with both arms crossed and a serious look on their faces. I slowly walk towards my dad who is reaching out to give me a hug, looking at me with his sorrowful eyes, tells me that he will be moving out. At the time, I remember feeling confused, but I did not feel so emotionally affected because I was only just 5 years old. Being raised in a single parent household has been a challenge in my life and has impacted me through financial problems, social situations, and maturity.
It was January 2015 I was seven and all my Halloween candy was gone! I had spent 20 minutes thinking how to get more candy. That's when I saw how much candy my sister had she had eight full size candy bars eight. I had to get some so I asked,
In this picture, we were just leaving Chuck E. Cheese and I was obviously was very angry about that. They had just got in new games and rides, so I was very thrilled. They had this cancel that was full of bright colors and beautiful horses. They also had a play area that seemed humongous in my four year old eyes. I was having a ball and we were there already for three hours. I still didn’t want to leave. When you are for time is in endless. You can stay in one place for a huge amount of time if it is giving you satisfaction. At that age if I could have lived at the Chuck E. Cheese’s playhouse I would have done so, but my mom definitely would not have let that happen. In this picture we were leaving Chucky cheese and my mom wanted to get a
I remember a time when I went to chuckie cheese (I was old enough to be by myself ) and this kid was behind me for the bike ride( It was a green bike ). When you pedal it goes up so I let him to hold my coins , then I went up and got to the top the boy ran away with my coins and the bike don’t let you down until your time runs out .I was afraid to go in the playhouse thing (I was afraid of heights at the time ) you climb inside and he was in there so I went inside anyways and caught him and socked him right in the face and took his coins and mines.
“$183.30 will be your total.” The clerk said i thought about it hmm? I only have about $152. “Dad can you pay the rest?” as i was begged “Sure son but just know you got to work it off tho.” a smile popped on my face “Ok” i said “Thank you so much dad.” “You welcome, you passed the test!” “What test?” “Don’t worry about it you will find out one day.” “Okay” This experience was meaningful because, he showed me he cared about me by spending his last money he had on me. He spent $31.30 on me which was his last spending money to help me out. The rest of his money was going into our home, for things like food, bills, rent, hygiene products. My dad want to be the best dad he can for me and my big brother.
Every year, our neighborhood has a giant yard sale, where every house in the nine block area sells everything, from baby clothes to old technology. When I was about six my neighbor and I began to sell lemonade during the yard sale. We we just two cute little kids selling lemonade, me donating my share of the money to PAWS Chicago and Andrew using his money to buy new toys for the both of them to play with. We sold together for about two or three years before my neighbor, Andrew, decided he was too cool to be friends with a girl, so our weekly playdates stopped and we stopped selling lemonade together.
Since freshman year my true home at highschool has been a world where teenagers got to use power tools, wear all black, support each other and take part in making something magical happen; more formally listed in the clubs and activities list as stage crew.
The following days, before the results, were the slowest and most anxious that I never had before.
I spent a while that day cooking to be prepared for dinner. Once my family got there I quickly told them what happened. My mom and dad were so proud of me, nut then there was my usual brother. He said that I wasn't going to make something in the months time, but I knew that he was messing with me by the tone in his voice. My parents were so proud and they knew I could do this.