
Personal Narrative: Where Are You From?

Decent Essays

Where are you from? Although a common icebreaker question, this is one I often hesitate to answer. I’ve never felt there was a clear-cut answer to this simple question. This question has always seemed to me to be asking more than just where is one born, but who one calls family, where one feels most comfortable, and what experiences have shaped one into who they are? I am from an immigrant family, first generation, the only one of my siblings, to have the privilege of being born in America. Everything that seemed normal to me was a luxury to my brothers. From once a year trip to Disney to eating out on Saturdays, were all activities that my brothers never experienced growing up. My oldest brother would often tease me calling me spoiled, but deep down I believe he wished he had the same childhood I enjoyed. Little things like that added up over time and led me to value every privilege and opportunity I was inherently blessed with by being born in America. My brothers taught me to value even the most mundane things Success is not always measured by material possessions, but instead by personal happiness and the people you surround yourself with. …show more content…

Ever since I can remember, I have memories of traveling every summer to Central America to visit my extended family. My fondest memories are from visiting my relatives in Managua. From the home-cooked meals prepared by my aunt to hiking up the volcanoes to get a view of the city below, I have explored more and lived more life in my parents’ home country than I have in my own. The sights, the smells, and the scenery of Nicaragua all blend together to paint a vivid image of home. Therefore, being born in a specific place doesn’t solely define where someone one is from, instead where one is from may be somewhere one has close ties and feels at

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