
Personal Narrative: Why You Need To Go To College

Decent Essays

Everyone always told me, “You need to go to college,” but I was thinking about it in an entirely different way than they were. I thought college was needed to get a degree and a good paying job, which is actually true, but college is also needed because it teaches so much more than what can be learn in class. It teaches life lessons, it forces me to become more independent, and provides me with a great experience that I can take with me whenever I leave college and go out into the real world. The key to surviving freshman year is by taking advantage of all these things that will help me grow as a person. College offers many life lessons that can be used to help me grow as a person. The main goal in college is to stay on top of school. …show more content…

Being independent is by far the most important tool I will need in growing up and becoming an adult, and college teaches me how to do this. Moving out of my dad’s house and into a dorm with a new roommate sounds fun, but it really requires a lot of maturity and independence. There are many things that need to be taken care of such as: laundry, school work, cleaning, and buying personal items that I use every day. My parents did all of these things but now my parents are not here at college with me; so I must do these things on my own. Along with completing these tasks I also have to really manage my time well. It is college and there is so many new people and opportunities to go out and explore the campus and join many clubs. Doing that is really good and going out and doing those things will look good on my resume when looking for a job. But I need to always remember that there is a time to play and a time to work. There is no college experience if I flunk out from not doing my work. I need to manage my time well and always get my work done that way I can be social and involved without the

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