
Personal Narrative: Working As A Technical Support Trainer

Decent Essays

At my previous job, I worked as a Technical Support Trainer for a large cell phone company in a call center environment. I would train new hire classes how to support the Android operating system for our brand. I also trained our level two advanced technical support team. I provided them with the information, training, and resources needed before they started taking technical support phone calls. I loved training. I loved interacting with the class and getting to know everyone. I enjoyed when we would launch a new phone with a new operating system and then had to train all of the employees on the updated information. I liked following a training schedule because I was able to plan all of the lessons and decided on what structure we were going to follow for the day and week. My sequence applies to the lesson …show more content…

I would go from working at 6am-2:30 pm for one class to 3pm-12 am for the next. I was given very little notice for my upcoming classes. Some as short as the day of or a day before. I hated this. I had over 30 different schedule changes in two years as a trainer. My health was awful, and my morale was low because my personal life was effected by my drastic schedules and schedule changes. I would say this is mainly from my sequence pattern because I wasn’t given enough information about my schedules and it bothered me. I didn’t like writing students up for disciplinary problems and having to let someone go. Writing up individuals would also be from sequence and a little bit of precision due to follow up’s on previous discussions and write up’s. I had a difficult time working with the other trainer as well. My small amount of technical reasoning would show during my moments with them. They would bombard me with information or meeting details when I was on break or lunch. I didn’t want to work with them. I wanted to work by myself and be with my class, not another trainer. I liked working by myself in that

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