
Personal Perspective On Mental Illness

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There comes a point of time in which every person discovers or experiences something that alters their perspective. My perspective changed on mental illness and the power that mental illness has over individuals, this was due to a personal experience with a mentally ill parent. My perspective was altered due to the first hand experience in the situation, the struggles that mentally ill individuals not only go through but what the families of the mentally ill experience. When individuals are young they are molded by what they are taught, what is heard, and what is seen. Growing up in a household with a mentally ill mother challenges everything that is considered to be normal; especially when the mental illness isn’t discovered until it's too …show more content…

I can now say with certainty that there is a difference between the two; someone being “crazy” is someone who is acting irrationally or not acting in a normal way, someone being mentally ill is someone who thinks that they are acting normal and doesn’t comprehend that they aren't. There is a certain point in which someone cannot be convinced to obtain help or that there is something wrong; in my situation it was in the summer between my freshman and sophomore year. When you go through every avenue of trying to convince someone to acquire help, and they accuse you of being the “crazy” one you have to remove yourself eventually. I requested for my mother to get help, begged her to get help, and even had a case plan created for her to get help within the Department of Children and Families. There was no success in my case, however, I am a firm believer in the fact that if mental illness is caught early enough that the person affected can lead a content life with normalcy as long as there is proper medication. Although I had to experience a painful event, it affected me in a positive way by changing my perspective on mental

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