
Personal Philosophy, Mission and Organizational Ethics

Satisfactory Essays

Personal, cultural, and professional values and ethics drive the decision making processes for most individuals and businesses in our society. Ethics reflect our morals and how we apply concepts in deciding right from wrong behaviors. Ethical awareness is critical for how we conduct our lives and make choices in the workplace and by defining personal and ethical values, individual and business alike can become more productive members of society. Whether consciously considered or not, every human being has a personal philosophy by which they live by and use to interpret the world around them. Their “beliefs, concepts and attitudes” (Philosophy) are a derivative of their upbringing and personal circumstances experienced throughout the course of their lives. I was raised on the beliefs, concepts, and moral values of the Christian faith. An emphasis was placed on the Ten Commandments and provided a moral compass to live by; perhaps the most overlooked values in today’s society. The commandments provide a balanced approach to life, similar to Steven Covey’s “True North” principles, which also provide a “theory and tools that will empower us to use our endowments to fulfill our basic needs and capacities in a balanced, principle centered way” (Covey 73). Even more importantly, I was raised by caring, loving parents that supported my dreams and taught me to have the courage to go after them. I learned by their actions, which inspired a meaningful work ethic. My Grandparents were

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