
Personal Reflection

Decent Essays

Throughout the process of writing this paper, I have learned more about my topic than I thought I would. The original idea for this project was to outline the basis of why animal cruelty was wrong. Also to give ways to what we can contribute to the topic being researched. But, not only did I just do research and present it, instead, I dug deeper and got more involved in my topic. Although writing the paper took more time than expected. This piece of information did not come that easily to me the ending result was the result; it was harder than usual to write it definitely paid off. This by far was my most successful piece of writing and made me an even better writer.
As a freshman, starting high school, I started to think about how scary it would be to be around teenagers who were a lot smarter and taller than me. One thing I had in common with many freshmen were that we loved to write. I enjoyed reading and writing so, throughout high school I took multiple courses regarding English and writing so I could get better. I even joined book reading clubs and senior helped classmates with proofreading papers. Moreover, Highschool was definitely filled with tons of life experiences and lessons that would help to situations later in life. One of the most important things not only the High school but English taught me is that things like writing take time.
Starting junior year, I knew I would have to be one hundred percent focused. Junior year was strictly about grades,

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