
Personal Reflection

Decent Essays

Throughout my life, I have turned to the Bible for guidance and understanding. My mother encouraged me to be involved with the church. Two previous experiences that impacted my life included learning that no age limit applies to God’s kingdom, and my future is planned.

Jesus has place for children in his kingdom was concept that I didn’t fully grasp until I was a teenager. In my home, my parents raised their grandchildren. She would read a children’s Bible to them and I would listen. During a Bible study, the teacher spoke of the role of children in God’s family. “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt 19:14 New International Version). I began to teach children’s church and became more involved with other outreach programs. During an outreach activity, I met an eight year old girl named Mandy. Her passion for God was unlike anything I had ever seen. She went on mission trips to Brazil and translated sermons in Portuguese. I saw her led people to salvation. She died at the age of 10 years old, but her testimony is timeless. Through studying the Bible about children, I learned Jesus can use anyone devoted to him as a vessel of his good works. Jesus had a purpose for Mandy and I began searching for my purpose.

My future became important to me after the death of Mandy. During that period of my life, I was twenty years old and my father had just passed away. My mother continued

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