Throughout my life, I have turned to the Bible for guidance and understanding. My mother encouraged me to be involved with the church. Two previous experiences that impacted my life included learning that no age limit applies to God’s kingdom, and my future is planned.
Jesus has place for children in his kingdom was concept that I didn’t fully grasp until I was a teenager. In my home, my parents raised their grandchildren. She would read a children’s Bible to them and I would listen. During a Bible study, the teacher spoke of the role of children in God’s family. “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt 19:14 New International Version). I began to teach children’s church and became more involved with other outreach programs. During an outreach activity, I met an eight year old girl named Mandy. Her passion for God was unlike anything I had ever seen. She went on mission trips to Brazil and translated sermons in Portuguese. I saw her led people to salvation. She died at the age of 10 years old, but her testimony is timeless. Through studying the Bible about children, I learned Jesus can use anyone devoted to him as a vessel of his good works. Jesus had a purpose for Mandy and I began searching for my purpose.
My future became important to me after the death of Mandy. During that period of my life, I was twenty years old and my father had just passed away. My mother continued
One of the things that I have learned from reading Dean’s book is that everything you do has to be tied back to the Bible. I have always known that everything has to have a purpose when it involves youth. I know that by working in a church you need to include the Bible in what you do, however, I thought you could do things without it. For instance, I thought that we could teach
On 08/20/2017 at 1002 hours FTO Wheeler #4361 and I responded to St. Luke’s Hospital emergency room entrance, on 3555 Cesar Chavez St., regarding a women in a hospital gown trying to break the caller’s vehicle window with a brick. Officer Wheeler and I were in full police uniform driving a marked patrol unit when we responded.
Here I interacted with similarly aged Christians and did learning activities together with instructors. As I got older, when I attended LaSalle Springs Middle School, I began to participate in Vacation Bible School as a teacher and would give out activities for the younger children to do. Shortly after, I went through conformation to officially become a member of the Church. During this time, I was also baptized because I wasn’t at birth.
Young life is a non-denominational Christian ministry that is based on reaching out to adolescents through staff, club meetings, and camps introducing Christianity and encouraging the construction of a relationship with Christ. It wasn't until I found my identity in Christ, did I stop feeling incapable and insecure. I spent countless months being an angry and mislead high schooler, while I could have spent that time building fire and passion for my relationship with Jesus Christ. Until I began to live my life knowing that I served a God that thought I was a priceless work of art, I was not able to dismiss the feeling of being unwanted and incapable. The pure joy that I gained through Young Life and my relationship with the Lord, made me contagious to those around me. With a great sense of pride, I can now say that I graduated from that very same high school with an outstanding group of friends. Friendships that exceeded the bounds of a small town rivalry and showed me that I indeed, was
This reflection will discuss personal diffidence and how it has influenced my academic studies, including my practice within placement settings. Gibbs reflective cycle (Gibbs, 1998) has been utilised as it illustrates a clear structure for the process of reflection. To conclude this reflection will draw together the themes which have emerged and highlight a clear action for future learning that will be used in order to enhance my future practice.
I was baptized as an infant and accepted Jesus as my savior when I was four years old. The Lord blessed me with Christian parents and the opportunity to grow up always hearing the Word. We are members of New City Fellowship of Fredericksburg. It is a PCA church with an intentional cross-cultural vision. My family and I are very involved in our church. We actively participate in worship, small groups, Bible study and serving where the Lord calls us. Personally, I am part of a small group and a mentorship Bible study group for older teen girls lead by some of the older women. Before the mentorship group, I was in youth group. This mentorship group has helped further my knowledge and understanding of God’s word.
As a child I was not raised in a “church-going family” but I was always interested in why people followed the Lord and gave their lives to him. When I was around 8 years old I asked a family friend if she would take me when she went the next Sunday, and she said yes. But, for an 8 year old, sitting in a big room with some strange man trying to be funny and using words that I didn’t understand wasn’t very fun. I kept going even though I didn’t enjoy it and I would draw and try to find ways to make the hour and a half pass. Without my knowledge there was a whole other thing going on upstairs, children’s ministry. That’s something I was interested in. So, the next Sunday I made my way upstairs and found where I was supposed to be and it shocked me that I wasn’t the only one who drew at church! There was an entire table designated to coloring pages and more crayons than I could have ever used. After coloring on countless coloring pages we went to “worship time.” It was so fun! We got
These are some of the things I did and saw on my faith journey so far. I joined Trinity Presbyterian at the age of twelve and I am still a member. I enjoy reading my bible daily, worship service, Sunday School, bible study, looking and listening to gospel music. I also enjoy cooking, sewing, walking, helping other people and growing flowers. Every day when I open my eyes I thank the Lord for waking me up and giving me another chance to see another day. I thank Him for my daughter, my three granddaughters, my son-in law, family, friends and my health. I have served as a Children and Youth Advisor since 1982 and presently work with the youth in my church and the neighborhood. I also serve as the Chairperson of Christian Education as well as
My mother’s spiritual life has influenced me to attend a Bible Christian college. I want to be able to have the faith she has, and I want to help teenagers as she has helped me grow in God’s path. I have decided to make her proud. My mother has done what she was commanded to do; she has guided me into the right path. A way to thank her is to answer the Lord’s call for my life, for she has taught me that if we leave our future to God, then His blessings will
As a result of the traumatic injuries which I sustained on December 4, 2014, while working as a police officer and on duty, I am unable to perform my duties as a police officer in a safe and effective manner, without jeopardizing the safety of myself, my coworkers, as well as the public’s, which I took an oath to serve and protect.
It is a blessing to have a Christian family. They had prayed for me even before I was born. As I became three months old, I was brought to my family’s church pastor to be baptized. It has been a sacred rhythm for me to attend a church on Sunday since then. All my family are faithful members of a Methodist church in South Korea. Sunday was the most exciting day of the week that I earnestly waited for. Although I sometimes could not understand Bible stories, just being at the church gave me abundant joy and peace. In this reason, I made my best efforts to bring friends to my church. When I was in fifth grade, I was deeply touched by Bible stories, songs, memory verses and other activities during the Vacation Bible School. The Holy Spirit came into my heart that I confessed with my mouth for the first time that Jesus Christ is my savior. God was present and actively working in my life although I didn’t recognize it. I actively participated in not only Sunday worship service but also children’s praise meetings, revival meetings, camp meetings and Bible study. I responded to his first invitation to be in
The system consistently fills silence in a timely manner, so by the time I’ve worked up the courage to say something I’m hesitant to, the conversation has frequently moved on. I can’t quite figure out how to word it, but there’s also something kinda artificial about the system that stops me from actually feeling things. It feels like the system doesn’t really connect to peoples’ emotions. One interpretation for this feeling is that people express vulnerabilities or try to connect with those doing so, they’re not doing it entirely because they want to, but partially because it’s expected and encouraged. Another is that we just haven’t really bonded with each other and are just forcing it.No matter the reason, I have a hard time feeling emotion in class, which completely kills my desire to be vulnerable.
This past semester I spent every Tuesday and Thursdays in my business seminar. Prior to stepping foot on campus I didn’t know what to expect from a University Seminar class. I wasn’t sure what I was going to learn, who I was going to meet, or if the professor was even going to know my name. Needless to say all of prior conjectures were proven wrong and I’m glad they were. This class was such pleasure to go to and I learned so many new things that are going to help me in my personal, educational, and professional careers.With this class I would have never learned about personality types, my Personal Strategic Plan, how to win friends and influence people, and personal testimony. All of these things, I feel, have put me at a substantial advantage to all other college students who didn’t have the blessing to be in this class.
The first few weeks of this class when we were going through all the essays we were going to write, I’ll be honest, I was a little scared to see where this semester was going to take us. But, now we are here and I feel very confident about all the work that has been done so far. Picking a topic for papers is always one of the hardest things for me to do, I tend to be a pretty good writer, but I get really indecisive when deciding what topic to write about. Eventually I decided to write about something I am passionate about and something I feel I have a a decent amount of knowledge on, politics. I chose the topic of raising minimum wage to learn more about it and because it is something which is very heavily debated in our society right now. I am a fiscal conservative which is why I chose the argument to keep minimum wage the same/lower it is because it coincides with my political beliefs. In my opinion raising the minimum wage leads to inflation, job loss, and raises the cost of literally every consumer good. Many people nowadays only get their news from one side of the spectrum which is why my goal was to show people who may only look at one side of the spectrum the other side of things. For this reason it was interesting researching all the groups of stakeholders, and ultimately it led me to writing an even stronger paper. Ultimately I am not looking for any specific reaction out of anybody I just want to educate people on some facts which I feel are important to making an
The writing I did this semester for Engl 110c has meant alot to me because I was able to pick a topic that has such a huge impact in my life. I was able to do the topic about Navy Wives, which has a huge impact on me. I recently became a navy wife a year ago and my life has changed drastically. I was able to share everything I wanted to about the life of a military wife through my writings, as well as share to my classmates about my topic. I really enjoyed creating my ePortfolio because I could come out of my shell and be me. I made a ePortfolio website that would be for military wives to read. I believe this website would be perfect for any military wife reading it. I was able to give tips and information on what it’s like to be a military wife, how to prepare for deployments and how to stay strong being a military wife.