
Personal Reflection Statement

Decent Essays

Personal Reflection Statement The medical field attracts a wide variety of individuals from all walks of life. The reasons for their shared choice, to pursue a career as a practitioner of medicine, are similarly different. Several of my classmates and friends can point to specific events that helped them make their choice, moments of inspiration when they consciously decided to become physicians. I had no such epiphany, but my choice to study at DMU was influenced by two main factors. Additionally, I have been forced to reevaluate myself and my goals several times along my journey. Most recently, the film “The Doctor” caused a change in perspective regarding my future goals as a physician. Two main factors motivate me to become a …show more content…

By becoming a physician, I will be able to help others in some of the most meaningful and difficult moments of their lives. In part, I chose to become an osteopathic physician due to this. The osteopathic philosophy dictates that one should work not just to treat an illness, but to treat the whole patient, which produces better results for patients. My past experiences witnessing physicians helping their patients through difficult times showed me that seeking a medical degree would allow me to continue serving others in ways that I otherwise could not. The film “The Doctor” portrayed an important message, one we’ve been taught before but took on more impact when shown instead of just told. What I found especially interesting was the main character’s transformation as he abruptly experienced the shift from doctor to patient. Physician behavior toward patients that he formerly saw as justified due to his position, status, and skill became callous and arrogant once he experienced it from a patient’s point of view. Once he gained empathy for his patients by experiencing healthcare from their perspective, his behavior changed for the better and he began teaching others the same empathy that he acquired. The film demonstrated to me that actions one person views as harmless or simply efficient can take a much different appearance from another point of view. The film speaks to me because I can see how easy it would be to

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