
Personal Security Violations In Beloved

Decent Essays

Throughout Toni Morrison’s highly praised novel, Beloved, while showing the trials and tribulations of Sethe and her family’s life after slavery, it becomes apparent her human rights have been and are being undoubtedly violated. Without her sense of life, liberty, and personal security she is left with the absence of comfort and the inability to proceed onto her new life of supposed freedom. Sethe is enslaved both physically and mentally because of the violations made against these rights. While Sethe is being held captive by the chains of past slavery, she restricts her children too, taking away their human rights also. This vicious cycle has repeated itself through history, along with fictional literature and still occurs today. Dictatorships limit a citizens human rights, stripping a person of their natural rights. The effects of one’s life without the rights to life, liberty, and personal security may be seen in every aspect of their life.
The impact of the right of life has on someone is vocalized in the novel, raising a discussion of how the right being violated would affect the quality of someone’s life …show more content…

“The right to personal security is understood as the right to the protection of the law in the exercise of the right to liberty. This means that the right to security extends to situations other than the formal deprivation of liberty” (The Right to Liberty). Personal security is aimed to protect a person from physical violence, or any other threats that may harm them. This right is compromised in Beloved in many chapters, however a specific example is when Sethe was abused and her breast milk was stolen. “After I left you, those boys came in there and took my milk. That’s what they came in there for. Held me down and took it” (Morrison 19). This incident violated Sethe’s body and subjected her to physical violence, with no one willing to help or protect

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