
Personal Statement: A Career As A Soccer Coach

Satisfactory Essays

Throughout my childhood I have always had a passion for soccer. I loved to watch and play soccer whenever I could. During my freshman year of highschool I got the opportunity to take my dedication to the sport to the next level and was asked to coach a family friends youth team. As a coach on a youth soccer team I learned valuable lessons to further my leadership qualities, but this position required a vast amount of leadership from the start. I was expected to be committed to my team and was responsible for creating the motivation and heart I have for soccer in the children I was coaching. To start, when I took the role as assistant coach I knew I had to be committed and accountable for my absences. If I missed a practice or a game it …show more content…

Since the start, I have always loved soccer. I was always kicking a ball or watching a game. I might not be that good at it, but it’s still my favorite. When I took the role, I immediately wanted to try to put my mindset of the sport into the minds of the kids. This required leadership because I had to learn how to coach the players and motivate them to play their best to succeed. Everyone knows that trying to teach little kids something can be a difficult task, especially a sport. At the start, I wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. The kids were all running around and were not listening to anything I said. I quickly came to realize that this would be the cause of many headaches, but I knew I could do it. As a coach I was responsible for getting the kids to listen to what I to say and help them utilize it during the games. This was especially difficult and furthered my ability to be a leader. Some of the kids went to the same school my mom worked at which made it easier because they already knew me. With the others, I tried my best to connect with them by telling them about my experiences playing soccer. As the season went on, I could tell that I was starting to motivate and inspire the kids. With each practice the players seemed more and more eager and excited to start. Some of the kids even started coming early so that they could play

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