
Personal Statement : ' I Am Proud Of Where I '

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Raichynda Gould Mrs Shaggy(6th hour) Autobiography Sept. 14/2015 As I look back to where I came from, I am proud of where I stand today. Like in others life they go through hardships, heartaches, embarrassments, exciting moments, and good times, etc. As I was growing up I say that my family was almost to the mid class but not quite there. I grew up with one brother, who is older than me, my mother, and I could say my step father was there but wasn’t really there. From when I was younger, my biological father had a substance abuse so my mother separate from that relationship with him. I barely started preschool when this event took place in my life. From this point, my mother met my step father about a year later. He was alright for a while, till about a year passed then things went downhill again but I just pushed all of that aside, or at least I tried to. As time passed things seem to be going up and down for me like when I was in second grade. When I was in second grade I got really sick and missed too many days of school. Which this led to me repeating second grade. This was the first time I ever felt so embarrassed because I was not going on to third grade. My second year of second grade is when i started to experience being bullied to where I didn’t want to go to school. So my mother transferred me to Bloomfield Primary Central Elementary school. I didn’t finish my entire year of my second grade year here, my mother then transferred me to Tohaali

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