
Personal Statement . It Was In The Spring Of 2013, In A

Decent Essays

Personal Statement

It was in the Spring of 2013, in a remote village in Malaysia, when I realized that I want to pursue a meaningful career in the field of energy access and human development. I spent around 10 days in the pristine forests, rivers and mountains of Buayan village, as part of my master’s course “Energy and Poverty Solutions” field trip. The objective of our trip was to conduct field assessments and explore solutions to improve the energy access situation in the village. Buayan had a micro-hydro energy system that had broken down and stayed idle for months, leaving many in the community without electricity. Some of the locals adapted to the new situation, while others operated loud and polluting generators that relied on …show more content…

The PhD in science studies at the department of Sociology of the University of Lancaster, a distinguished program in a top 10 university fits well into these ambitions of mine – and hopefully it will enable me to acquire the knowledge to continue uncovering the complexities between the two fields.

I believe that my education, research, work and volunteering experience – spanning across the fields of systems engineering, renewable energy, energy policy, energy access and development – also align with these goals and have prepared me well to undertake the challenges of a PhD.

I hold a research Master’s Degree in Engineering Systems and Management from Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, UAE, a graduate university established in collaboration with MIT that focuses on issues of sustainability. During my degree, I have worked as a research assistant at the Research Center for Renewable Energy Mapping at Masdar Institute. My thesis focused on modelling the economic viability of utility solar photovoltaic power plants in Abu Dhabi through a spatial-techno assessment. Alongside my master 's studies and research, I was also a teaching assistant on three courses.

During my

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