
Personal Statement : My Family

Decent Essays

I have been feeling a combination of emotions after hearing some very interesting news from my family. I feel is confusion of being shocked, upset and excitement which I share with my siblings or my wife. I wonder, is this true? How could it be? We were one big happy family, but now I don’t understand. My siblings and my wife all have provided me comfort, which has been very helpful. I was the youngest of seven; with five sisters and one brother. Now, I find out I have two brothers. I grew up being bullied, pushed around and always getting the hand-me-downs of everything in his family. Growing up, I always felt like I lived a normal life, with great parents, a roof over my head, attended a Catholic School and even had the opportunity to …show more content…

In that exact moment, I wished I could talk to her and ask her, why? I not only wish I could ask why she gave her son up for adoption, but more importantly, would have liked to have asked her why she kept that secret to herself. Unfortunately, she died from lung cancer in 2002. My Dad died in 2014. My sister mentioned that our Dad had told one of our sisters that he knew Mom had a baby before they were married, but he loved her and wanted to marry her anyways. Reflecting back to the conversation with my sister, I quickly kept saying to her, asking her continuously, what, how, and why? After I hung up from talking to my sister, I just stood there stunned. After a few seconds, I hurried to tell my wife and daughter to share this unbelievable news. I found my wife and daughter in the kitchen preparing dinner. As they turned around when they heard me walk into the house, they were confused when they noticed my eyes were red and my face was full of confusion. They both simply asked, “What is wrong?” All I could do was laugh and cry at the same time. Their faces were full of confusion and their eyes kept looking back and forth to each other and me. They were almost looking at each other and wondering, “Did someone die?” I broadcasted to them to call the rest of our family, I wanted them to call my other children, my son and daughter, so they could be on the phone, on speaker phone because I wanted everyone to hear

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