
Personal Statement Of A Dentist

Decent Essays

What makes a great dentist? It’s not just the marriage of science, technology and art, but also a love for people. It’s not just being a phenomenal technician, but the ability to foster trust and communica-tion with your patients as well as grow loyalty and passion from your team through leadership and dedica-tion. I believe that I possess many of the gifts it takes to become a trusted member of the medical com-munity and am eager to learn the skills that will allow me to serve my patients well. I would describe my demeanor as laid back, easy going, and calm. I’ve always had the ability to keep an even keel whether I was co-captaining the La Salle College High School crew team, directing the David Kerr Memorial Lifeguard Race in Avalon, NJ or playing referee while taking care of my two younger sisters. I believe much can be accomplished in life if you can deescalate stressful situations with care and compassion. Throughout my sports, lifeguard and family endeavors, I’ve …show more content…

I believe I have a good foundation to build on these qualities. As a Physics Teacher’s Assistant at the University of South Carolina, I enjoyed many gratifying moments helping students solve complicated problems through dedication and unique thinking. Figuring out how each individual learns and tailoring content in a relatable way was a challenge. If I could figure out each student’s interests and learning style, I could customize my tutoring to them. Maybe then, something so difficult doesn’t seem insurmountable any longer. They feel capable and confident. I believe the mark of a great communicator is one that can simplify complex mate-rial for ease of understanding. If you can do that, you’ve helped someone make a connection. The gratifi-cation that comes with helping a concept click with a student or hearing thank you for helping them pass the big test truly was a rewarding growth experience for

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