
Personal Statement Of Nursing : A Career As A Nurse

Decent Essays

The first word that comes to mind when I think of nurses is hard work. This is because nurse’s continuity have to work hard in their education and career. According to a family friend of mine, Heather, who has worked in the psych ward for 20+ years it is anything but ‘easy’. She told me the implications of what it really means to be a nurse. The 12 hour shifts on your feet, the staggering amount of bodily fluids you are working with and covered in, and of course tough patients. However, at the very end of her tangent she said “at the end of the day you do make a difference in the world. Nurse's play an important role in healthcare, they are the support of the hospital. They are a part of an assembly line that provides patients the care they need. According to a yearly conducted survey, nurses are one of the top three trusted professionals. There is a reason why people trust nurses far more than doctors. Nurses create a stable environment and are more interactive with patients. They are the foundation of all that is good and efficient in the hospitals. I want to be deserving of someone’s trust, I find it honorable. I can truly see myself as a nurse because I have strayed away from nursing in pursuit of other ambitions and have went back to nursing. Michigan State is a wonderful school, there is no doubt about that. With all the scenery, wonderful faculty and array of majors, anyone can do anything here. Even before coming here I already heard MSU College of Nursing was one

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