
Personal Statement On Childhood Is The Best Time Of One 's Life Essay

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There is a consensus that childhood is the best time in one’s life, where a person not only learns new things faster and grows but also realizes innocently what he likes and what makes him happy. I used to love visiting my Aunt’s place during my vacations in school days and during one such stay she took me to her office - the ‘All India Radio’ station. The huge antennas, the towers and the equipment left me intrigued but the most curious catch was the way my aunt could talk to or tune songs to millions of listeners around the country, simply by sitting in one closed room. I was in the 7th grade then and didn’t understand intricacies of the complete system but the basic idea behind it inspired me since then to reach out into that technology. This incident was like a spark to the fire that I have in me now and I want to fuel it even further by pursuing the ………
Inspiration and guidance make a good disciple. Apart from professional schooling, my mother, a graduate in computer science always told me about new trends in computer networking and helped me develop an interest in this technology. I opted for and majored in ‘Science’ and used it as a step to gain fundamental knowledge to pursue engineering in Electronics & Telecommunication. My undergraduate coursework included subjects like Mobile Communications, Wireless Networks, Computer Networks, Broadband Communication systems. All these subjects were of my interest and I was always in the top 15 percentile

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