
Personal Statement Essay

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I grew up a young man with a opportunity to excel in a family owned business that was based on hard work. For my father never having a formal education seemed to work fine. This mind set bled down to the next generation. I truly thought that hard work and learning what I needed to run that business from him would be all I need but in October of 2004 all that changed. The 25 year old company was no more and I was not only out of a job, career and inheritance but I did not have the education to keep myself employed at the same level. I have the technical skills to do my job well, l however I am missing the educational portion that I feel will be a long term benefit for not only myself but also my family. Finishing what I had started years …show more content…

I was very intrigued by the methodology and how career minded the vision at CTU seemed. I then began to do more research on the school and its accreditations, age and ranking. All of my findings have been very satisfactory to me and seem as though Colorado Technical University would be a good fit for me. “Life moves by pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” (Ferris – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) The last few years of my life have been full of hard times, with a dash of difficult decisions. Most of them were not by choice but necessity of the circumstance. At times, life feels so out of control and has left me feeling helpless to change. Through the helpless feelings I have recognized a need for a clear direction in my life that has included creating some “Life Goals”. These goals have helped me to gain a new perspective on my life and focus on things that really matter to me. Over the next few years as I am able to work towards these goals and I can check them off one at a time, I would expect for my life to be more fulfilled. My major career goal would be to work for a successful company that has a good future in “Green” Technologies. Within this company I would hold managerial position. While being able to balance a successful career with being a successful father to my children. My major personal goal would be to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Currently I

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