
Personal Statement to Obtain an Undergraduate in Engineering

Decent Essays

Scientific methodology, analysis and reasoning has had a significant impact in shaping my approach and developing a different learning aptitude towards academics; this soon flourished into a more specific interest in science. I got interested in electronics during my high school years itself when I was introduced to the topic of Circuit Theory in Physics. Hence to pursue undergraduate studies in a reputed college of engineering of India with electronics as my major became an obvious choice for me. Determined to go after the same, I prepared myself for the fierce competition. Two years of focused preparation fetched me a position in the top 0.3% among 1 million potential candidates in the national level engineering entrance examination- All …show more content…

I got this opportunity at the Summer School at IIT Gandhinagar (IIT-Gn), where I practically came up with a hardware prototype for the SCR firing circuit and implemented the single phase and three phase controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers. During this time at IIT-Gn, the area of electronic circuit design and analysis fascinated me as the simulations and practical implementation of the circuits went side by side. This experience at IIT-Gn also made me realize that practical implementation is always more challenging and a better learning experience than theoretical knowledge. This Summer School experience kindled an urge to do research in the area of circuit design and so I decided to take up another project in the same field at my home institution during my regular academic curriculum, where I developed an Analog circuit for calculating the air gap torque of a three phase induction motor. The two research projects in this area gave me a significant insight into the varied fields where electronics can be applied. It came to my notice at this instant that Electronic Design and VLSI/Automation are interdependent and closely related areas. Thus I decided to take up research task in the field of Automation and Verification of Hardware Circuits. Getting admit from the prestigious Institute of Electronic Design and Automation (EDA) at Technical University of Munich (TUM) made this desire come true. Grant of the esteemed DAAD-WISE 2013 Scholarship facilitated the

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