
Personal Strengths And Personal Types

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You have people all around the world and none of them are the same. You have people with high tempers, you got the lazy people that don’t ever do anything, and the over achievers and everyone is about in the middle of those three. I have taken a personality test and learned that I have an Executive personality type, if you do not know what that means I am like the boss in a business. This trait is held by less than 11% of the population. I am stubborn, organized, and judgmental.
My personality showed that one of my weaknesses is stubbornness, for example “they are reluctant to trust other opinions” . Sometimes being stubborn can be helpful and other times it can be hurtful, for example if you want to go over to your friends house but your mom says no sometimes if you keep trying she might say yes. Or like the other times she gets annoyed and tells you to go away. There are three things that being stubborn makes harder for me: trying to be flexible, getting along with my parents, and shopping. Trying to be flexible is hard because if my mom makes something for dinner that I don’t really like or that I just am not feeling, I will eat cereal or somethings else. Another reason is trying to get along with my parents, because I always think that I am right and they are wrong. For example if I want to go over to a friends house and they say no I give them reasons why I should go. Then last shopping is especially hard because one I am stubborn so I don’t settle. Being stubborn

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