Personal toxic exposures have varied throughout my lifetime, some being obvious, others not so much. Since completing my toxic timeline, I realized that early in my life, I succumbed to less toxic exposures that could have been controlled or eliminated versus recently when I had more toxic exposures that were less controllable because of the nature of the situations. Prenatally I was exposed to Bendectin, a pharmaceutical that was prescribed to my mother for morning sickness and I wonder now, if that’s what lead to my hip and heart issues since Bendectin has been found to cause congenital birth defects (Slaughter et. Al., 2014). I was diagnosed with developmental hip dysplasia, after a 5K race and a patent foramen ovale after having issues
Jones, P. R., Sheppard, M. A., & Snowden, C. B. (2010). Impact of poison prevention
Throughout the term, an array of environmental issues reveal how the human organism disrupts ecosystems for the use of herbicides, pesticides, fossil fuels, lead, mercury, deforestation, dams, genetically modified organisms (GMO), human waste, phosphates, radiation, persistent organic pollutants (POP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and an endless list of other toxins and systems that taint our environment. In addition, the seemingly endless list of toxic chemicals alters biodiversity while potentially changing genetic composition. There are several experiences throughout ENVS 1301 that heightened awareness and reshaped personnal attitude due to years of ignorance, neglect, and abuse for our surroundings. Most everyone (including self) is involved
An individual’s environment plays a pivotal role in their overall health. The environment can affect a range of physical and mental processes, and is considered a defining factor of well-being. As a result, specific geographic areas are instrumental in shaping an individual’s health profile. This is clearly seen in the disparity between those living in areas exposed to toxic substances, versus individuals living in clean environments. Individuals in unpolluted environments experience the advantage of a body system free from the barrage of chemical assault. Unfortunately, people who live near toxic wastes or byproducts of industry, have a body that is in constant defense of attack. This natural defense mechanism can prove
Water is an essential quality in life that you need to live. Yet many people don't realize that how important it is in life until it could be taken away. John Thorson, a water rights and lawyer, says “ water links us to our neighbor in a way more profound and complex than any other.” It is a way people are connected around economically, socially, and environmentally. Some struggle to have clean water to drink and others can not find clean water at all.
Following the industrial revolution, societies across the world began to notice strange effects on individuals throughout certain local communities. Though toxicology was a relatively new and rudimentary practice at the time, scientists were able to trace these effects back to chemicals being exposed to industrial workers, their families, and nearby neighborhoods. Unfortunately, industry in the United States continued to expand with little regard for the effects on human health. As a result from this expansion the amount of chemicals released into the atmosphere skyrocketed continuously all the way to present day society. However, as industry expanded so did scientific technology, the understanding of chemicals, their exposure
Their conclusions were based upon “in vitro” (test tube) and “in vivo” (live) animal studies that found a link between Bendectin and malformations; basically that the chemical structure of Bendectin was similar to other other substances known to cause birth defects; and the “reanalysis” of previously published epidemiological (human statistical) studies. In neither essence the submitted documents were never published nor peer reviewed articles demonstrated a link between Bendectin and birth defects. Merrell Dow had introduced evidence that no epidemiological study ever performed had concluded that the use of Bendectin by pregnant women significantly correlated with the incidence of birth defects in those women’s children (Atikian, 1994 p.1516).
Hopefully we have he good sense to listen to health reports in our communities. And I most certainly hope that non of us ever have to face someone trying to poison us. It doesn't mean though, that we are not at risk to long-term exposure to toxins that can be every bit as deadly to us.
Imagine you are in the comfort of your home enjoying your evening watching television when suddenly, a breaking news alert comes on, the news cast lady delivers a shocking discovery about the city’s facility drinking water, it has been contaminated with harmful toxic chemicals that are deadly for human consumption on a daily doses, now while you are listening to this breaking news you glance to your right and find a glass of water only filled half way to the glass, it finally dawns you that you have been drinking that same contaminated water for weeks and therefore have been exposed to toxic chemicals. Emotions such as fear and anger passes through you and questions appear such as, “how could of this happen?” or “what caused it?” Thousands
People feel the need to trust that some order exists, even if they cannot say what it is. Leaders are a symbol of hope and stability for a society going through difficult times. A leader is often stereotyped as being someone who is always strong and can overcome any challenge. Jack and Babette do not know how to deal with the Airborne Toxic Event so they choose to assume that there is someone taking action so they do not have to. When something bad occurs, people want to believe that there is a leader who is taking charge of the situation and taking action to solve the problem. During time of chaos and confusion, people cling to the sentiments of normalcy in their lives as a means of hope. For Jack and Babette, they embrace their faith that
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you spilled something onto your recorded audio Compact Disk (CD) and didn’t realized it until several days later? Below is a report on the effects of long term exposure of certain household chemicals will have on CD’s.
Poison control pharmacists field emergency calls and indicate to action plans for dealing with poisonous chemicals,dangerous toxins, or harmful drug interactions. Poison centers are staffed by clinical toxicology pharmacists and nurses almost 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Therefore, applicants to jobs must be prepared to work a wide variety of transitions, and in a team
Direct human poisoning is only a part of the danger of pesticide use. The toxic effects of pesticides are felt throughout the environment as well. Improperly used or disposed of pesticides that enter the waterways through runoff can cause substantial fish kills . Wild animals, domestic livestock, and birds also consume pesticides by eating smaller animals or vegetation in which toxic chemicals persist. The poison moves up the food chain in this manner and is often eventually ingested by humans .
Prior to conducting the study it was expected that prenatal drug and/or alcohol exposure would have a negative impact on a child’s academic performance, later in life. The study supported the original hypothesis. There was a very strong, negative correlation between prenatal exposure and academic performance (r=0.9).
Many scientific researchers have said that our environment has been filled with toxic chemicals, which us humans have had a part of. There are many different issues that should concern us surrounding these toxic chemicals. The major concern is that many of these toxic chemicals have been claimed to be causing damage to the health of humans and even other life forms. Another concern is that most of the theses toxic chemicals have just recently been produced; and by our environment changing everyday there is no telling what effects these toxic chemicals may have in the long run on the public 's health. Just about all of these toxic chemicals exist in the way they do because of humans. As humans we practice a lot of different activities that cause toxic chemicals to pollute our environment such as, agriculture, industrial, and many domestic activities as well. Many of the toxic chemicals that we produce and use don 't get used in a effective way, which causes them to be wasted, left abandoned, and disposed of. When toxic chemicals are not disposed of properly they effect the environment and the public 's health in a negative way.
We're in the middle of summer and parents need kids to remember it. Kids need to play outside more often to experience new things. The more germs toddlers are exposed to the more their bodies will be immune to it as they grow older. At grocery stores, it is better to not wipe the cart handles because you won't be exposing any germs to your child. It is better to leave the germs on it because your child needs to fight the germs that they are exposed to. Sanitizing is harming your child in the long run. Nature helps children grow. It is good for children to be in nature instead of being inside all day. Nature lets you experience seeing animals. The things you wouldn't normally see if you were inside. Nature helps protect ourselves and kids in