
College Admissions Essay: The Value Of Education

Decent Essays

I am a first-generation daughter to Nigerian immigrant parents. As one may imagine, the journey from a populous country in West Africa to the city of Dallas, Texas can be a strenuous task to overcome. In spite of this, my parents both collectively made the difficult decision to leave their families in Nigeria for the brighter prospects and array of opportunities the American education system has to offer. Because of the obstacles my mother and father have endured in their past, they have ensured that each of my siblings and I have not had to make the same difficult decisions as they did. They have done so by instilling morals, values, and beliefs to potentially guide us through the hardships of life. These values include a strong work ethic, perseverance, as well as adaptability. Work ethic is a value that has been persistently emphasized to my three siblings and me throughout our childhood. As the four of us have aged, we continuously have been told Nigerian proverbs in our native language, Yoruba such as “mura si se re, ise la fi ndeni giga,” which is roughly translated into English as “work hard and work smart, these two things will bring you great success.” Being that these qualities are often shared between people belonging to various medical professions, I believe that it is values such as these that have motivated each of my siblings to coincidentally select our individual paths of health professions as our desired careers. My decision to pursue dental hygiene is

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