
Personality Dimensions In Nonhuman Animals

Decent Essays

What is the basic question the paper addressed? To begin with, in the article “Personality Dimensions in Nonhuman Animals: A Cross-Species Review”, the basic question is what are the major aspects of nonhuman animal personality? Also another question addressed is if different nonhuman animals respond differently to certain stimuli? The author made use of the Five- Factor Model including Dominance and Activity in order to find the solutions to these questions. Animals are very complex in the sense that they express feelings, motives and emotions in very peculiar ways that we merely are unable to comprehend without expertise and multiple researches. Is it possible for animals to be irritated, depressed, creative or even a combination of all these characteristics. The expression of the personalities in animals while similar to humans, can vary from animal to animal, especially based on whether they are predators or prey. What did the author(s) predict? The authors, Samuel D. Gosling and Oliver P. John both predicted that the Five Factor Model’s characteristics like extraversion, neuroticism and agreeableness varied from animal to animal. They attempted to prove the level of the characteristics in different nonhuman animals. For instance, of 19 studies, 17 identified a factor related to Extraversion, whether it might have been sociability in dogs and rhesus monkeys or surgency in chimpanzees. Gosling and John decided to go even further by adding two more aspects- dominance

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