
While Psychology Theorists Vary Greatly On Their Theories

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While psychology theorists vary greatly on their theories of personality, they all concur that numerous elements go into the creation and development of personality. The elements used in the creation and development of personality are: nature versus nature, the unconscious, view of self, development, motivation and maturation. Each of these elements contributes to the understanding of personality theory. To better understand the connection of these elements and the formation of personality theory researchers have conducted cases studies, surveys, and laboratory observations in order to observe the relationship between these elements and personality. Based upon the research that has been conducted correlations and casualty can be formed …show more content…

Foundations of Personality
Nature Versus Nurture The argument of whether an individual’s personality is defined by nature or nurture is one of the oldest debates in psychology. On one hand, are biological theorists who use research to support the importance of genetics on behavior (Zaky, 2015). On the other hand, are theorists who support the theory of tabula rasa, which is the stance that we are born with blank slates and acquire our personality from experiences (Zaky, 2015). An example of a biological theorist is, Bowlby who viewed infant attachment as being an innate process for survival (Zaky, 2015). By contrast, behavioral theorist Bandura states that personality is developed based upon social experiences Zaky, 2015). Of note in the debate between nature and nurture in personality development is a study conducted by Dr. Fatima Kamran (2016) regarding perceived personality differences between siblings by parents. This was a very important study in regards to nature versus nurture, since both lines of thought would suggest that siblings that share genetics and home environments would be similar to each other. In this study, parents of siblings with an age difference of no more than five years, were studied to determine if they perceived differences in their children’s temperaments (Kamran, 2016). Despite behavioral genetic

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