
Personality Of The Joker

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a. Andrea Chew Man Ee
Actor’s name: The Joker
The Joker has a personality of persistent, fearless, high intelligence, and aggression.
The Joker holds a strength of being persistent in the things he does. He makes sure that his plans will turn out as how he planned it to be. Even though there were complication in between, he makes sure he finds alternatives to get his job done. Take for an example, when the top mob members of the Gotham city were having a meeting discussing about the illegal money stash has been tracked down by the police officers. Joker shows up and proposed a plan to help the mobsters to find a better way to deal with their business in the future which includes in killing Batman and by taking half cut of the money as reward. Because Gambol thinks that the plan was ridiculous, they declined it and threatened to kill The Joker. This however did not stop him. He took the alternative in pretending to be killed by other gang members just so he could get closer to Gambol, to show that he has power to order people to do things for him …show more content…

This personality can help him to find the ways to complete whatever he thinks that it is important. For instance, Batman is catching the criminals continuously as this is what he wanted to do when he started to be Batman. Batman is a rule-oriented person. This can be good because Batman would not easy to be seduced by any person with any offer as he barely break his own rules. Hence, Batman is considered as a thoughtful person as he would think about any possible consequences before he takes any action. And yet, this may become his weakness. It is because he would be inflexible in his life whenever he is facing problems and situations. For example, a few people died because of Batman indirectly. It is because he could not fulfill the Joker’s request which he has to show his real face to the public. He suffered and almost surrender to the

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