
Personality Traits Of A Entrepreneur Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The purpose of the essay is to make readers clear about does personality traits such as opportunity explorer, motivator, planner, risk taking, negative thinking, management of strategy and planning led to become a successful entrepreneur in today’s booming business field. The debate in major essay basically talks about the qualities that should person possesses in to achieve success in an entrepreneur. The debate I choose is important in my field because knowing about the personality trait entrepreneur in today’s world will show new comers about the abilities and the way of achieving success in business major. Debate is important in my field because this debate will encourage readers to get into the field of business and helps to learn business strategies so that they can get full knowledge about entrepreneurs. The thesis is does personality trait and propensity like opportunity explorer, motivator, risk taking, negative thinking, management and planning strategy can lead to success in the business field. My goal in this paper is to research various details of personality traits to achieve success in an entrepreneur. Essay has organized in three main sections. First, it will present the information about the personality trait like opportunity explorer, motivator and planner with detail description along with some example. Each personality trait has a details favor point with examples to support my debate and other side essay have against the point. Second section talk in

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