
Personification In John Updike's Ex Basketball Player

Decent Essays

Everyone has had an extraordinary dream. For some it is to be a movie star or to be in a professional sports team. However, while great goals they are, they are not likely. About 1 and 70,000 people make it to be a major movie star ( Also the likelihood of getting into the NBA from high school is 3 and 100,000. The great majority have to find something else to pursue and get good at. Since people's dreams are usually so out of reach, it is hard for them to succeed with their goal. John Updike is seen using personification many times in Ex Basketball Player. In the poem, the main character is described with numerous examples of personification. With it, the description shows great characterization of the main character, Flick Webb …show more content…

To help characterize Flick Webb in the Ex Basketball Player, personification was used by John Updike.

John Updike uses personification in a few ways in the poem of Ex Basketball Player to help characterize the main character Flick Webb. In the poem the speaker explains what Flick does with his time now that he is out of highschool never learned a trade. The speaker describes what Flick does at his gas station job by giving the objects around him human traits, by saying, “Flick Stands tall among idiot pumps-Five on a side, the old bubble-head style. Their rubber elbows hanging loose and low” (Updike 7-9). The speaker is giving the gas pumps human qualities to contrast Flicks current lifestyle surroundings with his desire to relive the past likely basketball games. At work he pretends to be back on the quart with his teammates. With it, he shows Flicks loneliness after high school, creating a melancholy tone. From the personification shown, it becomes obvious that the speaker uses it with great purpose in highlighting Flicks desire to live his glory days. The speaker is telling us about Flick back in his glory days. The speaker is showing how good Flick

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