
Perspiration And Social Anxiety

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Explore the Connection Between Social Anxiety and Excessive Perspiration Everyone has problems. People say that no one is perfect, and I completely believe that to be an axiom of life. As for me, my fair share of social anxiety and stress comes from a certain health disorder called hyperhidrosis, which is simply an exaggerated amount of perspiration. For example, it may just be sweating in the palms, underarms, soles, face or all of the above. Now, just to get an idea of how rare this condition is, it is estimated that 3% of the United States population is affected to some extent. That amounts to almost 10 million people living and suffering from its wrath. Although I have not been officially diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, my conviction is …show more content…

It’s when a large group of people collaborates to achieve an intended goal, whether that is to inform, teach, persuade, entertain, or in general, communicate ideas. It’s also a complicated time for someone with hyperhidrosis because the agony and uneasiness of being a center of attention releases an amplified amount of activity in the sweat glands, leading to severe perspiration. First impressions are usually crucial in making new friends, connections or even potential partners. Thus, the opportunity is jeopardized when handshakes are almost always moist and slimy. This extends to interviews too, regardless of it being academic or occupational. In addition to clammy hands, the matter of underarm sweating is more trivial than it seems. We have to think about upper wear color schemes that aren’t prone to dark crescent moon blotches. I scorn light greys and typically turn towards whites and blacks. In the professional workforce, certain dress codes that portray a serious business demeanor must be followed. In terms of dress shirts, it can be almost impossible to wear bright colors such as green and blue without being victim to darkened patches in a matter of minutes. Over the years, I’ve adapted to these problems and gotten creative with what works for me. Nevertheless, I’d still much rather have one less clothing issue to worry about on a daily basis. The worse would have to be giving a presentation in front of an audience when you’re put on the spot and the water dam just breaks uncontrollably. I remember many instances of this in high school and dreaded every

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