
Persuasive Essay About Dancing

Decent Essays

(1) Believe it or not, I have been told a few times that I am quite a good dancer. Shocker right? I’m not really the type of person you would associate good dancing with. And yes, I am speaking the truth. I have in fact been told I am a good dancer. But truth be told, I’m actually quite bad, I just embrace it and dance anyway. I have wanted to go to a dance class for the longest time to actually improve my moves. I have yet to do that, and probably never will. But ask anyone on the hockey team, I am always jammin out to the music before games and practices. Not only does dancing before a workout pump me up, but it also puts me in a good mood. There’s a reason why you always see people in movies or TV shows dancing when they’re sad- it’s an …show more content…

But honestly, it’s a blessing in disguise. I showed up to the dance and just forced myself to dance with my friends and try to shake off the loss. I ended up having a ton of fun at that dance despite being pretty down when I showed up.

Anna Duberg, a physical therapist and doctoral candidate at (5) Örebro University, conducted a study that included 112 Swedish girls, 13 to 19 years of age. Her study discovered that regular dance practice helped prevent and and decrease mental illnesses such as mood disorders and depression. Furthermore, she found that many of the girls’ self confidence was boosted from the practice. I was diagnosed with anxiety freshman year of highschool(6) and I have found that turning up the music and jumping around in the locker room or my own room makes me more relaxed. Many people who have dealt with with severe anxiety, mental and physical trauma, depression, and/or substance dependence oftentimes use dance as therapy, there are literally dance therapy sessions. At one of these sessions, a trained and registered dance movement therapist leads people in a dance that helps people with body awareness, inner focus work, tension release, and body image.

Dance helps people become connected to their body. Jamie Marich, a counselor and founder of the Dancing Mindfulness community, states that, “Dancing isn’t about escaping the stressors of daily life. Dancing offers us a way to embrace them. By being

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