
Persuasive Essay About Drug Addiction

Decent Essays

It’s painful to watch someone you love overtaken by the monster of addiction – many of us wonder if there’s anything that we can do to help.

How can I help my friend?

You find yourself asking the same question – don’t beat yourself up, there isn’t any one straightforward answer.

It’s important to remember – you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. They need to want it more than they want anything.

People will not fight a battle they don’t want to, you wouldn’t expect them to go toe to toe with Chuck Norris in a fist fight without ever throwing a punch in their life before – would you?

Probably not, unless they really enjoy being beaten to a pulp. Similarly, you can’t expect your friend to fight an addiction ill equipped.

Many people don’t even believe they have a problem, that’s a problem by itself.

You want to just grab them by the shoulders and throttle some sense into them – it’s an option, although not a particularly effective one. Although it might release some built-up tension – this could land you in jail and then you’re not helping anyone, probably best to strike the sense throttle from your list.

There are more gentle ways to go about helping your friend fight a drug addiction.

For some people an intervention could be beneficial –

Interventions can be a wonderful tool to aide your friend – but there is a right way to do them.

Gathering friends together to wake them up to their self-destructive behavior could be just what they need.

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