
Persuasive Essay About Smoking Marijuana

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If you smoke marijuana will it be good―by good, meaning is it really healthy for your life? There are lots of people out there that seeks in different factors to face challenges and those obstacles that they overcome may be from the risk of effort, like smoking marijuana for pleasant or to feel a sense of relaxation after a long day. Marijuana is a type a drug from a cannabis plant that are for medical used (AKA weed). It is use to treat multiple sclerosis, cancer chemotherapy, disorders, crohn's disease, and many more reasons to why doctors would prescribe this drug to the victim. It contains THC chemical that is responsible for an euphoric high and also for marijuana’s psychological effects. Thus, it is why many people love to smoke it, to feel high. So that way it will benefit their mental state positively and bring a good health for themselves. However, many other people believe that smoking marijuana kills people’s health, and that can ruin people’s life forever. For those who starts at a very young age to adult years that has done illicit drug use. Not only do adults smoke weed but also adolescents. Smoking weed at a very young age will damage the youngster’s life as they develop overtime. Their brains may be a little difficult to remember things and this is a low memorization bring a negative effect after unlimited use of this kind of drug. You may wonder why would such young kids smoke marijuana at a very young age? Was it for popularity, from peer pressure, growing up in a bad environment, or to be cool about it? Not many people understand why youngsters would do such thing like this, but this will negatively impact their lives for life! Thus, it becomes an addiction that adolescents may repeat throughout their entire life that will impact brain abnormalities; fewer neural fiber in brain areas, decreased brain activity and smaller hippocampus. More than 20 years ago, a case study about the marijuana effects on human’s health was researched by Wayne Hall, who is also a director of the Centre for Youth Substance Abuse Research at the University Queensland. He wanted to know if smoking marijuana will be good for adolescents since adults can be treated with this drug, or will it negatively impact those

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