
Persuasive Essay About Wrestling

Decent Essays

Wrestling teaches you more life skills than any other sports. Wrestling is great sport that teaches athletes so many valuable lessons about sports and life in general.Wrestling is one of those sports that requires a lot of body control. You have to use your whole body to be able to win a match. Wrestling develops personal responsibility and physically strength. Why should you wrestle? It teaches you self defense. Anyone can wrestle from kindergarten to old men and women. It teaches you personal responsibility. No matter what life throws at you you can prepare for it, and come out okay on the other side.There is no entitlement in wrestling. It doesn’t matter where you are ranked or whether not your coach likes you, your value as a wrestler depends on your most recent performance on the mat. In wrestling, you must constantly earn what you get.Wrestling teaches toughness. Wrestlers get their mouths smashed, their noses bloodied, their eyes blackened and their joints twisted. Wrestling teaches athletes how to work through pain and discomfort.Wrestlers come in all shapes and sizes. Height and weight are large factors for success in several popular sports, like basketball and football, but they don’t mean much in wrestling. Wrestling is a sport where small kids or heavy, but relatively short kids can be extremely successful. You can wrestle in the olympics where you know that the world is watching you and even more. More like the world is watching you wrestle …show more content…

The reason kindergarteners quit after first tournament is because they always get beat and the reef does not treat them equally. The reef should raise both of their hands just so the feel equal or like they won their match and only give the noncompetitive trophies. The competitive they all do not need to get trophies. The reason the noncompetitive can get trophies is so they keep coming

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