
Persuasive Essay Alcoholism

Decent Essays

Majority of people have had a drink, or two of an alcoholic beverage in their life, it is not something that is uncommon or unknown. More advanced societies are known to use more alcohol than others and the three countries chosen are more on the advanced side. Alcoholism is more common than a person may think and many people do not even realize they have a problem. Drinking too much can cause long-term problems for a person’s health, relationships, and their families. Drinking every once in a while will not hurt if it is done responsibly and safely. However, Alcohol is abused by people who drink it too often and cannot seem to function in a day without it. Alcohol is seen many places in the United states, restaurants, bars, parties, or even …show more content…

Every month results in eighty-eight death from alcohol. Today alcohol is now available more than it ever was before. The high rate of alcoholism could possibly be the easiness of purchasing alcohol and the cheapness and also the age which only requires the purchaser to be eighteen, three years younger than in the United States. Underage drinking is also common and twenty percent of adults believed it was acceptable. This is very unsafe being that the younger children drink the more prone they are to develop a drinking problem. They do have an alcohol awareness week which host events about the awareness of alcohol. Similar to the United States, Ireland may practice whichever religion they like but their most known is Roman Catholic and it is believed alcohol sells used to help finance the church. Alcohol abuse in Ireland has the highest percentage however it also has the least population which is why the percentage is higher than Canada and the United States. Alcoholism can be approached through the help of a positive influential individual that motivates you to set goals. There needs to be more programs that people with these problems can go to where they not only talk about it put participate in activities to help their addiction around nonjudgmental people. The more steps everyone takes toward the ending of alcoholism the closer everyone is to a safer and more efficient

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