
Persuasive Essay: Equal Pay For Women In Sports

Decent Essays

Equal Pay for Women in Sports

As a child I had never thought of sports to be thing of interest to me since I was a girl. Sports were considered a boy’s thing in my mind and I was just your stereotypical 8 year old girl who loved pink, played with dolls, etc. But when I got to the age of about 10-11 I discovered my love for sports, to now bring up the issue of equal pay for women in them, especially professionally. Women have always been underestimated and seen as a lesser value than men, but if you were doing the same job as someone else of different gender (being a man or woman) wouldn’t you want to be paid the same? Also in most sports both men and women are doing the same physical activity, so why shouldn’t they be paid the same? In my opinion there should be equal pay for women in sports. …show more content…

For example, in 2016 there were 1.4 million fewer opportunities for girls in high school and college sports combined, showing that women aren’t getting the opportunity to be the best, as equal as men, or just to even play. Therefore it is slimming down the chances of girls getting better and not allowing there to be equal rights for women in sports. Although someone might say “well women don’t get equal pay because they do not make as much money as men in the terms of sales that include audience, concession stands, and sponsors.” And that fact is true, but if women were given the equal opportunity and resources as men in sports they would be at the same level, the same competition value, and they would already earn the same money as

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