
Persuasive Essay For College

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College is always one of the biggest steps in a person’s life. It sets them up to get a high paying job which eventually leads to a happy life. However, one of the most difficult aspect about college is choosing the one that best fits the person. Choosing to go to Stevens amongst other colleges was no easy task. However, the rewards that come upon receiving a degree will be worth all of the investments that have been made. The benefits that come with this decision, such as one of the best educations available in the state of New Jersey, a convenient location, and opportunities to gain connections which might be essential for the future. Aside from the academic side, I hope to improve more as an individual and become more social in order to help make these next few years some of the best of my life. One reason why I decided to choose Stevens was because of the academic offerings that they had. When I was looking for potential colleges that I wanted to go to, I knew that a college with a good Computer Science program was the main priority in terms of what I wanted in a college. According to the website, I discovered that Stevens’ Computer Science program was the best in New Jersey as well as in the top fifty in the country ("2018 Best New Jersey Colleges for Computer Science." 1). These high ranked accomplishments assured me that if I ended up going to Stevens, I would get one of the best possible forms of education for my field of study. Another reason why

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