
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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Pro-Life supporters believe that the fetus is a person, a human being that has the right to live, and an abortion is considered murder. A fetus is not a person and does not have any rights. A fetus is not and have not been considered a human being. A fetus is not able to survive on its own. The fetus depends fully on its mother’s body. Trying to prevent and discounting the abortion law in the United States will not help women. It would make matters worse for women. We have to protect women’s rights. Women have the right to decide their future. Those trying to restrict and illegalize abortions are not considering certain issues that women face. Woman have abortions for many and different reasons. Some of these women have to …show more content…

Some use external injury jumping from the top of the stairs or from a roof to induce abortion, as well as inflicting blunt trauma (like punching or kicking) to the abdomen.” There are different types of abortion that can me be performed in a safely matter to terminate a pregnancy. There is the “medication abortion”, which is also known as the “abortion pill”. The medication abortion process for up to 10 weeks: “involves taking medication to cause an early miscarriage (women experience cramping, pain and heavy bleeding); after 9 weeks gestation 2 visits to the clinic will be needed (the visits may be on the same day or up to 3 days apart); no surgery or anesthetic.” The medication abortion process from 10 weeks up to 24 weeks: “involves taking medication to cause the womb to contract and push out the pregnancy; 2 visits to the clinic are needed, and sometimes an overnight stay is needed on the 2nd visit.”
The second type of abortion is the “aspiration abortion”, which is a surgical procedure. The surgical procedure process for up to 15 weeks: “removes the pregnancy by gentle suction; up to 14 weeks of pregnancy this can be done with local anaesthetic; “the quicker recovery time for this option means you can leave the clinic unattended and drive sooner; up to 15 weeks it can be done with sedation (relaxed and sleepy); one visit to the clinic and you go home the same day. Dilatation and evacuation between 15 and 24 weeks:

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