
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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A 14 year old girl, exploring her sexuality, wanting to see what’s different, what’s new. A mistake, she’s pregnant, not her fault, she’s just ignorant to what she didn’t know. She knows she can’t keep it, she has to do something, she has to tell her mother, she’ll kill her. The entire situation was an accident, and now she’s doing more exploration, except this time not for pleasure, but to fix her consequence. She thought it’d be easier to fix what had been done, but as she finds, it’s not. This is a true problem in Texas for any females looking to terminate a pregnancy. The laws and regulations (more like obstacles) put in a women’s way before she can actually go through an abortion are made strictly from an impersonal and intimidation driven point of view. Whether this is from the strict one way an abortion can be done in Texas, the locations making it harder for some women to access clinics, or the fear tactics put in place before a women can even have an abortion, they are all preposterous. There are close to 28 Planned Parenthood clinics in Texas right now. Although there could (and should) be more all across the state that's an acceptable number.The only problem is, they're all in more central, east Texas areas. This will and does make it immensely harder for west Texas women in need of abortion. Yes, Planned Parenthood is not the only pregnancy termination organization in Texas, although they are the most trusted and first to be searched when in need of services.

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