For many years women have aborted their children whether it is because the child is sick or because they do not want it. Women who have aborted their children have not given a thought to the others in the world who would give everything they hold dear to have a child of their own. Adopting is one of the only options those families have if they want their own child. Many of those aborted babies could have had wonderful lives with loving and caring families. So why did their biological mothers abort when adoption was an option? Abortion versus adoption is a topic so many in this world argue over. People who abort say they are doing what’s right while those who adopt say the same thing. Over all adoption is the better option, it gives infertile women a chance to be mothers, children who would have died get a chance to live and do great things, and the biological mother does not have to live with the guilt of knowing she killed her child. Ten percent of couples in the United States are infertile (WebMD). That means that 15,945,000 couples are unwillingly childless. Think of all the women who will never get a chance to hold a child of …show more content…
That aborting is one of the only good options when a child has a disease or malformation the parents do not want them to live with. They do not think that adoption is the right choice for those families, even though there are many families willing to take a child that may have a malformation. Thousands of couples that are good people would happily adopt a child even if the child does have physical problems. Although those couples are willing to adopt they cannot because the rate of abortions make the number of possible adoptions very low. Many of the couples never get a chance to love a baby of their own. Abortion ends with pain for all concerned while adoption brings joy to many. In the end adoption is the best choice because it gives everyone a chance to be
Adoption can replace abortion. One in a half million families long for a child through adoption. Abortion is the easy way out. Women go in for a procedure and leave. These women carry around the regret of killing a human being which you can never forget or
There are many different situations in which the parent will not be able to properly care and nurture their child, and putting them in an orphanage is not their first choice. Religion should not be involved in this governmental problem, when many do not follow the same Christian principals as many of the pro-life reasons propose. The conditions for having a child are hard to create when one is not in a financially, emotionally, or physically good condition. Risks to the mother’s own health due to the complications may be large, and to not have the choice to save oneself if needed is an unfair situation. Many births are not accidents created by the woman, but rather situations forced upon in which non-consensual actions were committed, and the mother is forced into a horrible situation. Abortion should be an option for all to have, for all of the risks and reasoning many have promoted ideas that show concerns for all parties’ wellbeing and
For instance, there are many more options instead of abortion. Some people can not have children on their own, so adoption for the child is better than no life. There also option where the mother can have an open adoption, that allows her to see her child but someone else takes care
The first argument was that if there are couples waiting to adopt, and abortion takes away the chance for a couple to have a child, then all women should choose adoption in lieu of abortion. Though this argument seems valid enough, it is based largely on rhetoric alone. To claim that adoption is always a better option than abortion suggests that simply ‘not wanting a child’ is the only reason that women ever choose to have an abortion.
The pro-life reasons must also be addressed, but with respect to what they believe in. Those uneducated on the topic of abortion might think of the choice as this: kill babies or not kill babies. And then they chose pro-life because it “must be the most humane” without really considering both sides. Being pro-choice isn't about wanting to avoid births and killing fetuses; it’s about women being able to choose what’s best for them and decide freely what to do with their own body. We need to consider the ethics of the problem presented to us. The pro-life’s oh-so common solution to not aborting a child is just to put him or her up for adoption. This is drastically impractical in the society we live in today. Nobody should try to deny that our world is quickly approaching its limit of people it can sustain with our current technology. Even orphan homes can’t keep up with the increase of homeless children and infants that need care. There are an estimated 17,900,000 children globally that have no parents and live in orphanages or must live on the streets without a permanent home. Children living in those horrible conditions run the risk of disease, malnutrition, and death. And even if a child gets into an orphanage, the living conditions still might be poor. Overcrowding and low budget for orphanages leads to big problems to support the children properly. Studies conducted show
It was only three days after being born that I was flown to my new family in Illinois. If I had not been for a one woman’s unselfish decision, I would not be writing the words on this page right now. Abortion is an ethically wrong decision and option for a parent. It is illegal to take the life of another human being; by choosing to have an abortion, legally a parent is not willingly killing a human life. However, this choice is still seen as a murder to most people. Women should be forced to place their children up for adoption instead of a choice have an abortion.
If a woman did not want a baby in the first place, it is highly unlikely that she (and her partner, if she has one) would be able to provide for onethe baby and be able to give the baby a good life. People who oppose abortion suggest adoption as an alternative. Another fear that goes along with the previous idea of legalizing abortions was that women would rely on abortionuse them
Considering all the contradicting views from the many different perspectives from the articles, “Adoption: The Best Form Of Protection” written by Whitney A. Reitz ,and the article, ¨Standard Practice of Murder” written by Dave Bohon that gives support to the cause of adoption over abortion. From the different point of views there are plenty of facts that supports either claims of opinion on the subject of abortion, such as some articles give reasons why abortion is necessary ,and the other articles give example how is adoption is more humane than abortion. In several situations abortion is considered acceptable through many reasons, in the article ¨Why Doctors Need Not Prosecution for Gender-related Abortions¨ written
I know there are a lot of oppositions on choosing adoption as opposed to abortion, like it’s a women’s body, she should be able to do whatever she wants with it, but she is carrying another human being, who has its own heartbeat, DNA, fingerprints, and other things. Adoption is a wonderful option, it gives people who are longing to be parents that ability and people who are not ready to be parents can give the babies a better life with people who will truly love them and take care of them. If a woman gets pregnant while in school and she puts the baby up for adoption, she is more likely to finish school and get a degree so that when she reunites with her birthchild she will be able to show them that she chose adoption to better the child’s life and her
At 13 weeks into her pregnancy, 29-year-old Jessica Smith lost her 5th baby, lifesitenews states. “I expected to be handed a blob that early into pregnancy. But instead, I was handed a perfectly formed tiny baby. He had perfectly formed fingers and toes. He had tiny, completely identifiable ears, nose, and mouth,” Jessica Smith told lifesitenews. According to Procon, abortion is one of the most debated topics in the United States (Procon). Planned Parenthood states, there are two different ways a woman can undergo an abortion, the abortion pill, or an in-clinic abortion. The pill only works up to ten weeks into a pregnancy. The doctor will give a woman her first pill in the clinic, and anywhere from six to 48 hours later, a woman can take the second one at home. There are two different types of in-clinical abortions. A suction abortion is used for a pregnancy anywhere between ten and 16 weeks. It uses suction to empty the uterus. Dilation and evacuation is used for a pregnancy anytime after 16 weeks and involves suction, and medical tools to empty a woman’s uterus (Planned Parenthood). Abortion results in terminating an unwanted pregnancy and should be illegal worldwide.
As a result of the Supreme Courts ruling the U.S. has been split into two sides, those for abortion and those against. The Pro-Choice campaign has many key arguments as to why it should be legal. The most popular is that it is the best option when it comes to rape or incest. The reasoning behind this is that the psychological trauma of an abortion is lees than of the woman gives birth to the child. The woman could hate the child or project their negative emotions on the child. Thus causing the child to grow up with the feelings of being unloved. the next argument is that adoption is not an alternative to abortion. This is because the women still has to make the decision of whether or not give the child up for adoption. Research has shown that
Imagine this: a woman learns she is about to become a new mother. Words cannot describe the amount of love and joy she already feels for her soon to be child. She now knows her fetus will depend on her body until it is born. It will need her in order to grow and become healthy enough to survive in the harsh world outside of the womb. But, let us imagine this new mother is a smoker; she now has a decision to make for herself that affects her baby directly. She could continue to smoke and potentially give birth to a baby with complications like birth defects, or she could quit smoking for the sake of her baby’s health and personally manage the side effects accompanying quitting. To most people, her decision should be obvious, especially when
The choice between adoption and abortion changes millions of lives every day. Some advocates of abortion feel if the mother of the child thinks that she will not be a good parent or thinks she will harm the child, that she has the right to abort the child. Abortion is a life changing decision and has the reputation of being an easy way out of an unwanted pregnancy. Adoption, on the other hand, is one way for a woman who is not prepared to be a parent to provide her child the best life possible without being involved in the child’s life. According to national estimates, one million children in the United States live with adoptive parents and from 2% to 4% of American families include an adopted
Taking a look at the first ethical principle a need to protect life on a macro level will support the needs of both fetus as well as mother. Ethically if the mother cannot care for the child and the life she foresees at the present time will present more than a cruel life for the child. Allowing public concerns change the thinking of a group who feel abortion is their only way out of a bad situation. Ethically the next suggestion has always been to carry a baby to term and adoption will happen. Solutions for some but, not all that wish to move on quickly without ridicule on many levels. Today’s society has changed with media, internet and so much more. Having a child and giving it up for adoption is not always a closed deal. With technology children can find their birth parents and it has not always been a happy reunion. Birth parents have moved on to new life’s possibly other children. The past is not what they want thrown in their face. Again is adoption the only option placed on the table for people who want abortion but, cannot due to rules
The topic of adoption and abortion has created a lot of controversies mostly about their rights and wrongs. While this issue affects a great number of children, there has been more legal involvement against adoption than abortion. With adoption comes a lengthy and difficult process, while abortions are very easy to get. Adoption can bring so much love, but it could also bring so much pain. Abortion can bring physical and emotional pain to the mother as well as to the child who would have never got a chance to live its life. Furthermore, both issues adoption and abortion have a strong impact on the people involved life (Pros and Cons of Open and Closed Adoptions for the Involved Parties).