
Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in experiments for finding out the results and danger's of products. The animals are shaved and isolated in small cages until they are tested on. The chemicals are then rubbed harshly onto the shaved skin of the animal and placed in a special device so they are not able to lick or rub the chemical off of them. Scientists use “LD50 tests” that involves pumping chemicals into the animal until they find out what the lethal dose is. No animal is safe from these kinds of tests; dogs, cats, mice, rats, chickens, monkeys, and even fish are tested on. After testing, animals are either killed or left to suffer until their very last breath. The law in the United States allows these animals to be burned, shocked, isolated, beaten, and many more cruel punishments. Most of the animals tested on are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act. These animals can not speak for themselves, they do not deserve to be going through suffering like this. To begin, 87% of animal tests do not work, wasting the life of the poor animal. Over 94% of chemicals are tested on animals. Around 300 million people have asthma and throughout the past 50 years animal research has only helped figure out two treatments for it. Less than 2% of illnesses humans have are rarely ever seen in animals, so tests for those illnesses would be useless. Also, a thousand drugs have been tested on animals and have been known not to work correctly when given to humans. Most of

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