Should Animal Be Used to Test Medical Procedures and Treatments That one Day Maybe Effective on Humans
The harmaful uses of animals in testing is not only cruel but often ineffective. Animals do not have the many types of cancers humans enconter, or HIV, Parkinson's diease even Schizophrenia. Many animals receive testing for different substances that is never actually seen approved for public use or consumption. It seems that the animals tested dies in vain because there is no direct benefit for humans. In animal testing, countless animal are experimented on and then they are killed after their use. Others are injured and will steal live their remainder of life in captivity. 95 percent of drugs fail in human trials
The harmful use of animals in experiments is not only cruel and inhumane but also often ineffective. Animals do not get many of the human diseases that people do, such as major types of heart disease, many types of cancer, HIV, Parkinson’s disease, or schizophrenia. There have been past occasions where drugs passed on animals weren’t even safe. There is no excuse for animal testing in today’s techy world, there are now many alternatives for animal testing that would put an end to the pain and suffering endured by these innocent animals during human testing.
Test subjects in medical experiments have always been a controversial topic, but this argument is often only thought of when animals come in to play. What about the humans who get tested on unwillingly, or people who do not possess the capability to consent to such procedures? They are also in need of someone to look out for them. Throughout time, many governments have done extreme testing to move forward their population’s health and for what they call the greater good. Yet, more often than not, these test have no rules or regulations. A moral code has been established slowly after many of these ghastly occurrences became known. Even to this day, we still have people trying to bypass ethical codes such as the Nuremberg code and the
The bad use of animal testing is cruel but also sometimes ineffective. “Animals do not get many of the human diseases that people do, such as major types of heart disease, many types of cancer, HIV, Parkinson’s disease, or schizophrenia. Instead, signs of these diseases are artificially induced in animals in laboratories in an attempt to mimic the
All drugs have dangers due to certain chemicals and substances. Because of animal testing, researchers have found another alternative to testing on humans.
Animal testing is wrong and it is cruel to animals. Each year about five million dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, monkeys, and other animals die in lethal dose tests performed in many states around the United States. During a lethal dose test, the experimental substance is forced into the animal’s throats or is pumped into their stomachs by a tube, sometimes causing death by stomach rupture or from the
Although, there has been successful experiments with animal testing, the percentage is low. Many drugs tested on animals that were released to humans had serious side effects and killed or harmed people effectively. Some examples of pharmaceutical drugs that were deemed safe for human use were later found to have serious side effects, like isuprel is a medication used to treat ashma - in Great Britain alone, 3,500 asthamatics died using this. This shows animal testing is in fact very dangerous to humans.
If the only justification for these animal tests is if the only animal use in experimentation provides greater benefit to the health of humankind than the cost to the animals. Clinical trials, especially for drugs for alzheimers, asthma, polio, antibiotics, meningitis, and other critical diseases go through animal testing phases before reaching human test groups. Some of these drugs have been trialled successfully in humans, but their safety and efficacy was first established in small and observable animal populations. It begs the question that- if animals are hurt by testing, but in the long run, human lives are saved, what is morally correct?
Each year, “more than 100 million animals are killed in U.S. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, curiosity-driven experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing.” There are all types of animals that are used to do these experiments. Animal testing is inhumane and cruel, and causes pain to living creatures. Also, the reaction of drug in an animal 's body can be very different from a human 's body. An important thing about animal testing is that it can be very costly and unnecessary. Testing on animals should not be permitted because it is causing unnecessary harm to a living animal.
Within the European Union, over 12 million animals are used for animal testing yearly. Over 3 million of these laboratory rabbits were used in Great Britain. In 2014, around 834,453 animals total were used for laboratory testing in the United States; 18% (150,344) of the animals tested on were rabbits. With this information at hand, we can see that rabbits are commonly used in different laboratories around the world. This paper will be going over the treatment of these animals in average facilities and the impact these animals have on our society.
Is it fair to do experiments on a helpless animal for the benefits of human beings? No,it is not fair to do experiments on helpless animals. Animal testing is when cruel and harmful experiments are done on innocent animals for specific reasons such as saving human lives. In animal testing, they take these innocent little animals and run horrible,cruel, and graphic test on them. "An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing." (Humane Society International n.p.). So many different kinds of animals are taken captive to be tested on these gruesome experiments. There are many experiments
Animals can be burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused as a result of testing. And the list could go on forever. The way animals are being mistreated and tested on should be against the law. There is a different ways to do research other than killing and abusing animals. There are many alternate test that scientist can use to do there research without harming animals. Alternative test are defined as test that use the three “R’s”, a test that replaces a procedure that uses animals with one that doesn’t, a test that reduces the number of animals used in a procedure, and test that refine a procedure to cause less pain to the animal.(11 Facts about…)
Seventy million of lives are claimed by animal testing facilities and millions more survive through the horrific tests, suffering the psychological and physical consequences. “The use of animals in experiments at leading federally-funded labs has increased nearly 73 percent in the past 15 years, according to a new study conducted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
Animal testing for cosmetic products and substances should be banned completely because of the cruelty the animals encounter during the experiments. According to, animals “spend their lives in barren cages, unable to make choices or express natural behaviors”( “Harm and Suffering”). The animals that are being used for testing are being contained in crowded cages in an unnatural habitat. They don’t get the freedom to experience fresh air or sunshine because of the condition they are kept in everyday. This restrains the animals from doing what they coexist to do naturally. The standard lab conditions causes animals to go through severe stress, which then later on appears as physical signs of stress. According to their website,
Did you know that 19,500,000 animals are killed each year for animal experimentation? Animal testing is one of the highest leading causes of animal death. Many people don’t think about how their makeup product or lotion doesn’t cause skin reactions. The products are first used in a number of tests on a number of animals to make it safe for human use. These tests led to harming a handful of helpless animals just for the benefit of one product for humans. Animals are put under microscopes to try and figure out diseases that are contracted in humans. Animals are being killed in research laboratories every day for no reason and no benefit. Animal testing should be banned due to the animal cruelty involved, human and animal differences, and new
“Beauty without cruelty” is the outcry that can be heard from animal right activists around the world. The FDA does not require companies to perform tests on animals but if the cosmetic product contains chemicals that can be seen as toxins, testing becomes a necessity. There are currently thirteen safety tests that are performed on animals.