
Persuasive Essay On Community Service

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Every Sunday, I have the opportunity to help as a child care worker in my church’s nursery; and every week, after spending just one hour watching over the kids so that their parents can go to service and not have to worry about their children, I remember exactly why I spend my free time helping others. The term “Noblesse Oblige” is why I choose to be involved in multiple childcare opportunities and community service clubs. I believe it is my job to make sure those who are less fortunate, or in need of aid, get the help they require and deserve. I take part in different aspects of community service because it helps better my community and makes me a stronger leader.
For the past three years at Liberty High School, I have been a member of the Key Club community service organization. As a member of this club, I am able to help with different jobs around the community that help the people in our town specifically. For example, every first Wednesday of the month I go and help with a project called Snack Pack. During this time, about fifteen other kids and I prepare three weeks worth of food for seventeen high schoolers in our school district. These are kids that do not have enough money at home to always have food on their table. Snack Pack plays an important role in their lives because without it, they would not always eat. These kids deserve the chance to live their life and go to school without having to worry about whether or not the will eat dinner that night. That is why I value my role in this club so much, because I know what we do makes a difference. When the kids collect their food, they are able to relax a little more knowing that their family will be able to eat. Another aspect of Key Club that I take part in is Fairy Tale Forest, held at Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary. Every year, the weekend before Halloween, I volunteer, with a handful of others from the club, to go and work at the children’s fairy tale nature walk. The past two years I have been a runner. This means I do the odd little jobs, like run food and drinks around to the different characters that are working in the trail, that would otherwise be forgotten or not done at all. Although this is a small role, it is what helps make

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